All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“Percayalah, bila kamu tidak dapat mengalihkan perhatian pada hal lain yang fana…, dan hanya memikirkan kehidupan itu sendiri, kamu akan gila: karena ia akan mengalahkan dan merendahkanmu secara perlahan.”
“No society can prosper if it aims at making things easier-instead it should aim at making people stronger!!”
“Love delayed is lust augmented.”
“وإذا كان العقل الإنساني لا ينفي بالدليل المقنع وجود العقل الأبدي فليس له أن يجزم باستحالة شيء مما يستطيعه ذلك العقل الأبدي من العلم بالأبد كله، أو من القدرة على الإيحاء به إلى من يشاء أو من القدرة على خوارق العادات، لأن الخوارق بالنسبة إليه كالعادات ،ولأن التغيير عنده كالإنشاء والإبداع، إذ ليست قدرته على تغيير ما حدث دون قدرته على الخلق الأول مرة في زمن بعيد أو زمن قريب”
“History is a hermaphrodite with many distinguished lovers. We are neither mysteries nor strangers but the living breath of revelation made flesh by the unrestrained desires of a free and universal love. Universal me. Universal you.”–from Past Present and Future are One”
“I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.”
“Death is never an excuse to stop living.”
“We must think beyond ourselves”
“Every life has a destiny… the trick is to discover it before then end of your life. Otherwise, you will have too many regrets.”
“Marriage can be made to work if both the partners can see beyond themselves and understand the limitations,needs and abilities of the other person and are willing to embrace the positive and negative aspects of each other in their understanding.But it never happens that way. We expect others to understand and comply with us while we fail to do the same.Thus marriage loses all it’s sheen by the time the couple reaches middle age.”
“If the moment is everthing, then everything is time.”
“This primary question of life organization is immensely important. If making money is the main goal, a person can often forget what his or her true interests are or how he or she wants to deserve recognition from others. It is much more difficult to add on other values to a life that started out with just making money in mind than it is to make some personally interesting endeavor financially possible or even profitable.”
“This law … defines the limits of competition in the community of life. You may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete but you may not wage war.”
“In the name of Bacon will you chicken me up that egg.Shall I swallow cave-phantoms?”
“Wisdom is seeing something in a non-habitual manner.”