“Solitude is the greatest treasure and through it, you can rebuild your life, reorder your life and solve life’s problems.”

“When you run for your life, you will become the one deciding how you use your time. You will be the one deciding that you are not going to pour out your life anymore. You will no longer allow the school system or the work system to decide what you do with your time.”

“Instead of exchanging your life for some coins and some pennies, you could actually take charge of your life right now. You can run away to take control of your time right now.”

“You are not told that while you try to eliminate your boredom by playing games and chatting on social media or watching movies and making unnecessary phone calls; your life is diminishing into vanity.”

“This ignorance of what to do with time is the number one reason why people get bored so easily when alone with nothing to do.”

“I know so much pressure is on all of us to waste time and to just trivialize it. There is so much pressure on us to try to overcome boredom by spending time on frivolities.”

“This generation does not understand the wealth of time. No wonder there are only a few superstars and great men emerging from this generation.”

“If you, therefore, must be numbered among the great, you too must run for your life.”

“To truly invest your time into doing what you were born to do, you should be running away from jobs not running to jobs.”

“It is only when you run away from what society wants you to do with your time and then invest that time into doing what you were born to do that you can attain greatness and live a fulfilled life.”

“One must run his life and set himself apart to do that which he was born to do.”

“It is real hard work that will release your potential,”

“Instead of you pouring out your life and giving out your life and exchanging it for a porridge called salary, instead of selling out your life bit by bit until you are old and empty and until you become so old that they send you off to die in retirement, you should come to the realization that you could actually multiply and reproduce your life through the power of time conversion.”

“People who understand how to convert their time into useful products do not complain of boredom. They have too many important tasks to accomplish that they can hardly get bored.”

“To truly be satisfied in life, you must invest your time into doing what you were born to do instead of wasting your time trying to impress a boss or a company doing a job that you were not born for.”