“What is important is remembering that we are here on this planet to surrender, have patience, and allow ourselves to love and be loved. Crises help us to learn these things.”–Lynn Robinson”

“Decide what you want in life, and tell the world it’s yours”

“To sense the peace of extinguished passionHappiness in not knowing the ultimate knowledge”

“All the wealth of the world can’t repay the debt of a breath.”

“Experiences bring maturity and not the date of birth.”

“To expect is to disrespect the unconditionality of love.”

“Sometimes the greatest miracle is not one of physical healing but one of peace, joy, and strength in the midst of a difficult time.”

“To jump over centuries In one step is impossible. Jump too high or far, You’ll be way too late.”

“We don’t know anything about silent sages, buried knowledge, the eye of the mute poet, serene seers, yet how many talkative destroyers, prophets and ideologues, teachers and beautifiers there are on the other side.”

“It is your intent that enforces the outcome of your life.”

“Life has meaning until the weight of moments is carried by the protection, encouragement, nurturing, presence and love of a mother.”