“A working knowledge of the devil can be very well had from resisting him.”

“تذكر حلاوة الوصال يهن عليك مر المجاهدة”

“We can either emphasize those aspects of our traditions, religious or secular, that speak of hatred, exclusion, and suspicion or work with those that stress the interdependence and equality of all human beings. The choice is yours. (22)”

“In this walk to freedom, we must, without question obtain hearts of honesty and a tongue of truthfulness.”

“Faith is the mortar that fills the cracks in the evidence and the gaps in the logic, and thus it is faith that keeps the whole terrible edifice of religious certainty still looming dangerously over our world.”

“Love and respect all people. Hate and destroy all faith.”

“Christian love draws no distinction between one enemy and another, except that the more bitter our enemy’s hatred, the greater his need of love. Be his enmity political or religious, he has nothing to expect from a follower of Jesus but unqualified love. In such love there is not inner discord between the private person and official capacity. In both we are disciples of Christ, or we are not Christians at all.”

“That’s the biggest purpose of religious gathering: permission to look terrible in public. We used to go to church to confess our worst behaviour, to be heard and forgiven, then to be redeemed and accepted back into our communityChuck Palahniuk in interview with TMO”

“No religion is higher than humanity.”

“Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds”

“قال رجل لصاحبه :إن قلبي لا يرتاح لفلان فرد عليه : ولا انا ولكن ما يدريك لعل الله طمس على قلوبنا فأصبحنا لا نحب الصالحين”

“The Hindus criticise the Mahomedans for having spread their religion by the use of the sword. They also ridicule Christianity on the score of the Inquisition. But really speaking, who is better and more worthy of our respect—the Mahomedans and Christians who attempted to thrust down the throats of unwilling persons what they regarded as necessary for their salvation, or the Hindu who would not spread the light, who would endeavour to keep others in darkness, who would not consent to share his intellectual and social inheritance with those who are ready and willing to make it a part of their own make-up? I have no hesitation in saying that if the Mahomedan has been cruel, the Hindu has been mean; and meanness is worse than cruelty.”

“It is in your hands to make life miserable or happy. No religion, spiritual leaders or knowledge will ever make you fully satisfied.”

“For it is the bitter grief of theology and its blessed task, too, always to have to seek (because it does not clearly have present to it at the time)…always providing that one has the courage to ask questions, to be dissatisfied, to think with the mind and heart one ACTUALLY has, and not with the mind and heart one is SUPPOSED TO have.”

“We are enjoined to love our neighbor, not our tribe.”