All Quotes By Tag: Religion
“Have faith in God and in yourself; that will cure all. Hope for the best, expect the best, toil for the best and everything will come right for you in the end.”
“But it’s well known that repression makes a religion flourish.”
“Any faith that admires truth, that strives to know God, must be brave enough to accommodate the universe.”
“I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research.”
“I dreamt of worldly success once.”
“PERNIKAHAN ADALAH-1-Pernikahan adalah akad atau ikatan.Akad untuk beribadah,akad untuk membangun rumah tangga sakinah mawadah wa rahmah.-2-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk saling mencintai,akad untuk saling menghormati dan menghargai.-3-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk saling menguatkan keimanan,akad untuk saling meningkatkan ketakwaan,akad untuk mengokohkan ketaatan kepada Tuhan,akad untuk berjalan pada tuntunan Kenabian.-4-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk saling menerima apa adanya,akad untuk saling membantu dan meringankan beban,akad untuk saling menasihati,akad untuk setia kepada pasangannya dalam suka dan duka,dalam kesulitan dan kesuksesan, dalam sakit dan sehat,dalam tawa dan air mata.-5-Pernikahan berarti akad untuk meniti hari-hari dalam kebersamaan,akad untuk saling melindungi,akad untuk saling memberikan rasa aman,akad untuk saling mempercayai,akad untuk saling menutupi aib,akad untuk saling mencurahkan perasaan,akad untuk berlomba melaksanakan peran kerumahtanggaan.-6-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk mudah mengakui kesalahan,akad untuk saling meminta maaf, akad untuk saling memaafkan,akad untuk tidak menyimpan dendam dan kemarahan,akad untuk tidak mengungkit-ungkit kelemahan,kekurangan, dan kesalahan.-7-Pernikahan adalah akad atau ikatan.Akad untuk tidak melakukan pelanggaran,akad untuk meninggalkan kemaksiatan,akad untuk tidak saling menyakiti hati dan perasaan,akad untuk tidak saling menorehkan luka,akad untuk tidak saling menyakiti badan pasangan.-8-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk mesra dalam perkataan,akad untuk santun dalam pergaulan,akad untuk indah dalam penampilan,akad untuk sopan dalam mengungkapkan keinginan,akad untuk berlaku lembut kepada pasangan,akad untuk memberikan senyum termanis,akad untuk berlaku romantis dan selalu berwajah manis.-9-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk saling mengembangkan potensi diri,akad untuk adanya saling keterbukaan yang melegakan,akad untuk saling menumpahkan kasih sayang,akad untuk saling merindukan,akad untuk saling membahagiakan,akad untuk tidak adanya pemaksaan kehendak,akad untuk tidak saling membiarkan,akad untuk tidak saling mengkhianati,akad untuk tidak saling meninggalkan,akad untuk tidak saling mendiamkan.-10-Pernikahan adalah akad untuk menebarkan kebajikan,akad untuk mencari rejeki yang halal dan thayib,akad untuk menjaga hubungan kekeluargaan,akad untuk berbakti kepada orang tua dan mertua,akad untuk mencetak generasi berkualitas,akad untuk siap menjadi bapak dan ibu bagi anak-anak,akad untuk membangun peradaban masa depan.-11-Pernikahan, adalah akad untuk segalayang bernama kebaikan !”
“Immortal amarant, a flower which onceIn paradise, fast by the tree of life,Began to bloom; but soon for man’s offenceTo heaven removed, where first it grew, there grows,And flowers aloft, shading the fount of life,And where the river of bliss through midst of heavenRolls o’er elysian flowers her amber stream:With these that never fade the spirits electBind their resplendent locks.”
“مساكين اهل الدنيا خرجوا من الدنيا ولم يذقوا طيب نعيمها ،فيقال ماهو: محبة الله والأنس به والشوق الى لقائه ومعرفة اسمائه وصفاته”
“It would be very nice if there were a God who created the world and was a benevolent providence, and if there were a moral order in the universe and an after-life; but it is a very striking fact that all this is exactly as we are bound to wish it to be.”
“It was then that Marvin got religion. Not the quiet, personal kind, that involves doing good deeds and living a better life; not even the kind that involves putting on a suit and ringing’ people’s doorbells; but the kind that involves having your own TV network and getting people to send you money.”
“If I were a dictator, religion and state would be separate. I swear by my religion. I will die for it. But it is my personal affair. The state has nothing to do with it. The state would look after your secular welfare, health, communications, foreign relations, currency and so on, but not your or my religion. That is everybody’s personal concern!”
“Some religions actually go so far as to label anyone who belongs to a religious sect other than their own a heretic, even though the overall doctrines and impressions of godliness are nearly the same. For example: The Catholics believe the Protestants are doomed to Hell simply because they do not belong to the Catholic Church. In the same way, many splinter groups of the Christian faith, such as the evangelical or revivalist churches, believe the Catholics worship graven images. (Christ is depicted in the image that is most physiologically akin to the individual worshipping him, and yet the Christians criticize “heathens” for the worship of graven images.) And the Jews have always been given the Devil’s name.”
“I’m an atheist, and a militant atheist when religion starts impacting on legislation.”
“They will become Godly when they will have God in their hearts.”
“Girls aside, the other thing I found in the last few years of being at school, was a quiet, but strong Christian faith – and this touched me profoundly, setting up a relationship or faith that has followed me ever since.I am so grateful for this. It has provided me with a real anchor to my life and has been the secret strength to so many great adventures since.But it came to me very simply one day at school, aged only sixteen.As a young kid, I had always found that a faith in God was so natural. It was a simple comfort to me: unquestioning and personal.But once I went to school and was forced to sit through somewhere in the region of nine hundred dry, Latin-liturgical, chapel services, listening to stereotypical churchy people droning on, I just thought that I had got the whole faith deal wrong.Maybe God wasn’t intimate and personal but was much more like chapel was … tedious, judgemental, boring and irrelevant.The irony was that if chapel was all of those things, a real faith is the opposite. But somehow, and without much thought, I had thrown the beautiful out with the boring. If church stinks, then faith must do, too.The precious, natural, instinctive faith I had known when I was younger was tossed out with this newly found delusion that because I was growing up, it was time to ‘believe’ like a grown-up.I mean, what does a child know about faith?It took a low point at school, when my godfather, Stephen, died, to shake me into searching a bit harder to re-find this faith I had once known.Life is like that. Sometimes it takes a jolt to make us sit and remember who and what we are really about.Stephen had been my father’s best friend in the world. And he was like a second father to me. He came on all our family holidays, and spent almost every weekend down with us in the Isle of Wight in the summer, sailing with Dad and me. He died very suddenly and without warning, of a heart attack in Johannesburg.I was devastated.I remember sitting up a tree one night at school on my own, and praying the simplest, most heartfelt prayer of my life.‘Please, God, comfort me.’Blow me down … He did.My journey ever since has been trying to make sure I don’t let life or vicars or church over-complicate that simple faith I had found. And the more of the Christian faith I discover, the more I realize that, at heart, it is simple. (What a relief it has been in later life to find that there are some great church communities out there, with honest, loving friendships that help me with all of this stuff.)To me, my Christian faith is all about being held, comforted, forgiven, strengthened and loved – yet somehow that message gets lost on most of us, and we tend only to remember the religious nutters or the God of endless school assemblies.This is no one’s fault, it is just life. Our job is to stay open and gentle, so we can hear the knocking on the door of our heart when it comes.The irony is that I never meet anyone who doesn’t want to be loved or held or forgiven. Yet I meet a lot of folk who hate religion. And I so sympathize. But so did Jesus. In fact, He didn’t just sympathize, He went much further. It seems more like this Jesus came to destroy religion and to bring life.This really is the heart of what I found as a young teenager: Christ comes to make us free, to bring us life in all its fullness. He is there to forgive us where we have messed up (and who hasn’t), and to be the backbone in our being.Faith in Christ has been the great empowering presence in my life, helping me walk strong when so often I feel so weak. It is no wonder I felt I had stumbled on something remarkable that night up that tree.I had found a calling for my life.”