“La fantasia è importante nella vita, soprattutto nelle nostre vite, Eugenio. Cosa sarebbero tutti questi libri se non avessimo la fantasia per poter immaginare i personaggi che li compongono? Leggeremmo parole, non vivremmo emozioni. E nella vita le emozioni sono importanti, fondamentali. E no n vale solo con i libri. Se guardassimo il mondo con meno razionalità e meno cinismo, ci godremmo l’unica vera cosa che vale la pena di vivere: le emozioni.”

“Mizuki non riuscì a non pensarci: due persone, per quanto lontane nello spazio e nel tempo, possono riuscire a smettere di pensare l’uno all’altra?”

“Anything you ask, anything you don’t, it’s yours. All of me is yours.”

“You’re the only war I can’t win. The only war I don’t want to.”

“Loving someone means giving them the power to hurt you. It’s handing them your soul and asking them not to tear it to pieces.”

“. “There are many levels of hell Elizabeth. Rest assured I have visited them all. And I would damn well follow you back into its deepest pit to claim what is mine. You are mine.”

“He hesitated, all rational thoughts drowning in the seas of her azure eyes.”

“Ricorda Dante: quando scegliamo di fare o non fare una determinata cosa, è importante sapere dentro di noi se è stato il coraggio o la paura che ci ha spinto a farla o a non farla. E da ciò che si distingue un ragazzino da un uomo. Tu hai più paura o più coraggio?”

“She noticed a large grease stain on the front of her coveralls as she stood up. A few half-hearted wipes told her it was a lost cause. That’s what she got for wearing her good coveralls for a teardown. What had possessed her to even do so? Brionie hadn’t noticed. It would take more than that to get her attention”

“Have you eaten yet,” are quite probably the sexiest words a woman ever could say to her man. His limbic system is rewritten each time she ask this question.”

“L’amore non salva.L’amore non distrugge.L’amore consuma.”

“What was love if not a rippling bunch of nerves and valves misfiring? An equation with no known variables? An incalculable contraction of the heart?”

“I want to show you what it means to be held in the arms of someone who yearns to worship your body. I want you all to myself with no outside distractions. I want to fill you, to join our bodies and make love to you for centuries.”

“Marry me!” The words quaked from deep within the sepulchre of his rib cage. He could hear sweet songs shoot and soar from his soul. The angels sighed and rejoiced.”

“A herd of gods tripped over themselves running after her.”