“Believers can have both religion and science as long as there is no attempt to make A non-A, to make reality unreal, to turn naturalism into supernaturalism. (125)”

“Biblical, Talmudic, or Koranic literalists remind me of children wrinkling their noses at Belon oysters and asking for more Chef Boy-E-Dee. They want the world to be as simple as they are.”

“If we want to set out on the aruous search for the truth, we must all summon up the courage to leave the lines along which we have thought until now and as the first step begin to doubt everything that we previously accepted as correct and true. Can we still afford to close our eyes and stop up our ears because new ideas are supposed to be heretical and absurd?”

“Penegakan sistem Islam dan pemberlakuan syariat Islam tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara merebut kekuasaan yang datang dari lapisan atas. Akan tetapi, melalui perubahan masyarakat secara keseluruhan—atau pemahaman beberapa kelompok masyarakat dalam jumlah yang mencukupi untuk mengarahkan seluruh masyarakat—pada pemikirannya, nilai-nilainya, akhlaknya, dan komitmennya dengan Islam. Sehingga tumbuh kesadaran dalam jiwa mereka, bahwa menegakkan sistem dan syariat Islam itu merupakan sebuah kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan.”

“We believe that it is possible for scientific work to gain some knowledge about the reality of the world, by means of which we can increase out power and in accordance with which we can arrange our life. If this belief is an illusion, then we are in the same position as you. But science has given us evidence by its numerous and important successes that it is no illusion.”

“Perhaps the hopes I have confessed to are of an illusory nature, too. But I hold fast to one distinction. Apart from the fact that no penalty is imposed for not sharing them, my illusions are not, like religious ones, incapable of correction.”

“In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient.”

“Imagine for a moment that we are nothing but the product of billions of years of molecules coming together and ratcheting up through natural selection, that we are composed only of highways of fluids and chemicals sliding along roadways within billions of dancing cells, that trillions of synaptic conversations hum in parallel, that this vast egglike fabric of micron-thin circuitry runs algorithms undreamt of in modern science, and that these neural programs give rise to our decision making, loves, desires, fears, and aspirations. To me, that understanding would be a numinous experience, better than anything ever proposed in anyone’s holy text.”

“Arabic science throughout its golden age was inextricably linked to religion; indeed, it was driven by the need of early scholars to interpret the Qur’an.”

“If superstition could contradict science, the world may as well be on the back of a turtle. But giving into turtle worship was a bridge too far.”

“إن الدين الذي يريد أن يستبدل التفكير الحر بأسرار صوفية ، وأن يستبدل الحقيقة العلمية بعقائد جامدة ، والفاعلية الإجتماعية بطقوس ، لابد أن يصطدم بالعلم. والدين الصحيح – على عكس هذا – فهو متسق مع العلم. وكثير من العلماء الكبار يسود عندهم الإعتراف بنوع من الوحدانية. وفوق هذا يستطيع العلم أن يساعدالدين في محاربة المعتقدات الخرافية ، فإذا إنفصلا يرتكس الدين في التخلف ويتجه العلم نخو الإلحاد.”

“إن التقدم العلمي مهما كان واضحاً بارزاً، لا يمكنه أن يجعل الأخلاق والدين غير ضروريين.فالعلم لا يعلم الناس كيف يحيون، ولا من شأنه أن يقدم لنا معايير قيمية. ذلك لأن القيم التي تسمو بالحياة الحيوانية إلى مستوى الحياة الإنسانية تبقى مجهولة وغير مفهومة بدون الدين. فالدين مدخل إلى عالم أخر متفوق على هذا العالم، والأخلاق هي معناه.”

“Ask a true scientist a very profound question on his science, and he will besilent. Ask a true religious person a very simple question on his religion, and he will be frenzied.”

“No one, in the world’s whole history, ever attempted to substantiate a truth by a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of miracle. Nothing but falsehood ever attested itself by signs and wonders. No miracle ever was performed, and no sane man ever thought he had performed one, and until one is performed, there can be no evidence of the existence of any power superior to, and independent of nature.”

“…since the order of the world is shaped by death, mightn’t it be better for God if we refuse to believe in Him and struggle with all our might against death, without raising our eyes towards the heaven where He sits in silence?”