“Monotony is the most beautiful or the most atrocious thing. The most beautiful if it is a reflection of eternity–the most atrocious if it is the sign of an unvarying perpetuity. It is time surpassed or time sterilized.”

“Among human beings, only the existence of those we love is fully recognized. Belief in the existence of other human beings as such is love.”

“Belief in immortality is harmful because it is not in our power to conceive of the soul as really incorporeal. So this belief is in fact a belief in the prolongation of life, and it robs death of its purpose.”

“Perfect joy excludes even the very feeling of joy, for in the soul filled by the object no corner is left for saying ‘I’. We cannot imagine such joys when they are absent, thus the incentive for seeking them is lacking.”

“At the very best, a mind enclosed in language is in prison. It is limited to the number of relations which words can make simultaneously present to it; and remains in ignorance of thoughts which involve the combination of a greater number. These thoughts are outside language, they are unformulable, although they are perfectly rigorous and clear and although every one of the relations they involve is capable of precise expression in words. So the mind moves in a closed space of partial truth, which may be larger or smaller, without ever being able so much as to glance at what is outside.”