“احذر،لا تخاطر مع الحقيقة..اكتف بما لديك من جزئياتها،حينما تعرف الكل،لاشيء ينقذك من حتمية الجنون”

“Still anyone who trusts a serpent deserves its bite. The wise see a creature for what it is, not what it says it may be.”

“He was attractive. I knew that. And I knew that attractive people always got away with things.”

“It’s not enough to listen to their words. You have to mine their silences for buried ore. It’s often only in the lies that we refuse to speak that truth can be heard at all.”

“Drosophila,” I said, remembering the word.“What?” Lily asked.“Why do girls always fall for guys with the at ention span of drosophila?”“What?”“Fruit flies. Guys with the attention span of fruit flies.”“Because they’re hot?”“This,” I told her, “is not the time for being truthful.”

“সারা জীবন পাশাপাশি থেকেও এক সময় একজন অন্যজনকে চিনতে পারে না। আবার এমনও হয়, এক পলকের দেখায় একে অন্যকে চিনে ফেলে।”

“If we don’t honor our truth, how can we expect anyone else to do so?”

“Don’t take yourself too seriously. Take yourself as seriously as death itself. Don’t worry. Worry your ass off. Have iron-clad confidence, but doubt. It keeps you alive and alert! Believe you are the baddest ass in town – and [that] you suck! It keeps you honest. Be able to keep two completely contradictory ideas alive and well inside of your heart and head at all times. If it doesn’t drive you crazy, it will make you strong. And when you walk on stage tonight to bring the noise, treat it like it’s all we have – and then remember it’s only rock’ n’ roll.”

“Take each day in your open palms and close your fists around it. This life is not done with you yet.”

“There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth somewhere in the middle.”

“It was amazing how it worked: the tiniest bit of truth made credible the greatest lies.”

“It’s strange how what drives us may abandon us midstream, how what tickles our ears with lies one moment may tell us truths that knock us on our emotional ass the next. After all, it is an unbelievably real world, with Darwin scribbling his thoughts into books and telling us what monkeys we are. Each of us explores possibility, hungry for sustaining adoration, yet we know enough to render ourselves helpless. We strive and strain, bellow and believe, we learn, and everything we learn tells us the same thing: life is one great meaningful experience in a meaningless world. Brilliance has many parts, yet each part is incomplete. We live, heal and attempt to piece together a picture worth the price of our very lives. The picture I saw presented demonic executioners, who crippled those daring to look and consumed souls without defense. They’re everywhere. Some are people we know. Others are the great fears and addictions of our lives.”

“The truth doesn’t get you very far on the streets, or in a group home, or even in high school. That’s probably why the idea of Liars, Inc. appealed to me. Everybody lies. You might as well get paid for it.”

“Truth is dangerous.”

“However cozy things seemed, the facts of life were the same. You couldn’t escape death: It would get us all in the end.”