“ Is there anyone that knows the absolute truth? ”

“Sacrificing one’s own happiness for others is not everyone’s cup of tea but if you can taste it once nothing tastes more than that thereafter.-Giridhar Alwar”

“To be is the greatest paradox of life facing death. ”

“I would rather be wise and than right and ignorant.”

“ We are beings only in the extent of Our Life’s Illusion. ”

“A doctor may know more than a peasant, but a peasant and a doctor know more together.”

“Without the absolute truth, to know the truth value of our own existence is beyond our strengths/limits/possibilities. ”

“Even the snow melts, let alone the frugal regards of a soul confident in its own eternity.”

“Is the sunrise superior just because it goes before the sunset with a day and sunset goes before the sunrise with a night? Could there be day without night and sunrise without sunset, life without death?”

“We are certainly descendents of the sea for our tears are salted and when we shed them on the jowl of time, the sea that has always been within us flows on our face. ”

“It is the business of man to become acquainted with the material universe in all of its manifestations, so far as may be possible, in order to provide a foundation of knowledge on which the reasoning mind of man may increasingly build.”

“ The well of your soul will not experience the drought until in front of her will appear the moment of eternity to drink from the water of death.”

“The meaning of the words is necessary and not their extent. ”

“Perhaps the excellence of aphorisms consists not so much in the expression of some rare or abstruse sentiment, as in the comprehension of some obvious and useful truth in a few words.We frequently fall into error and folly, not because the true principles of action are not known, but because, for a time, they are not remembered; and he may therefore be justly numbered among the benefactors of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and taught by frequent recollection to recur habitually to the mind.”

“ Our entire life worth’s less than one moment of the absolute’s truth vanity. ”