“A seed is happy when it becomes a root, a root is happy when it becomes a bud, a bud is happy when it becomes a stem, and a stem is happy when it becomes a flower.”

“Truth circles our lips at the speed of sound, but circles the universe at the speed of light.”

“Your natural eyes see much,but your spiritual eyes see more.Your natural ears hear much,but your spiritual ears hear more.Your natural hands carry much,but your spiritual hands carry more.Your natural feet travel much,but your spiritual feet travel more.Your natural mind understands much,but your spiritual mind understands more.Your natural heart experiences much,but your spiritual heart experiences more.Your natural life matters much,but your spiritual life matters more.When you close your eyes, your spiritual eyes still see.When you close your ears, your spiritual ears still hear.When you close your mouth, your spiritual toungue still speaks.When you close your hands, your spiritual arms still give.”

“Eyes, for reality. Ears, for truth. Hands, for skill. Feet, for speed. Mind, for wisdom. Heart, for joy. Soul, for love. Life, for enlightenment.”