Quotes By Author: sabrina newby
“With so much going on in the world it is my most profound prayer that when it’s my time to stand before the Supreme GOD, I can humbly and sincerely say I have indeed shared every gift that has so graciously flowed through me. That is the exact Purpose of why we are after all.”
“Your obstacles are not your end. Please remember that, and try again.”
“The problem may be you’re to busy trying on everybody’s else hat that you’ve forgotten about your crown.”
“Having a title does not make you entitled.”
“There’s a particular peace and unbelievable beauty that comes when you finally decide to let go of what no longer serves your purpose.”
“Never forget what a person is especially after they’ve shown you.”
“The journey, be it mind, body, or spirit, begins when you decide to submit to the one power that is greater than yourself.”
“You don’t have to race with anyone if you learn to create your own lane.”
“Please do not think God has forgotten about what you’ve asked. Your answer, similar to rain from Heaven, is being perfectly prepared to either drizzle, pour, or flood down at any unexpected moment even when we believe we’re in a season of drought. Hold on just a bit longer.”