All Quotes By Tag: Beauty-quotes
“If you see the beauty in others, God will bestow His beauty in you.”
“It is light’s beauty that reveals our ugly shadows.”
“You cannot steal a star’s beauty, even if you throw it into the dark.”
“Your body inevitably withers, but your soul’s beauty never fades.”
“If you drop a beautiful pearl in dirty water, it will not lose its value.”
“A star is praised for its beauty, not its size.”
“The world’s most beautiful colors are not seen by the eyes, but by the soul.”
“A rose that grows without a thorn is robbed of its beauty.”
“If you see the beauty inside of others, it will be easier to see the beauty inside of yourself.”
“If dirt was truly worthless, nothing valuable would flourish in it.”
“If dirt was truly worthless, nothing of value would flourish in it.”
“You can buy beauty products for your face but you cannot buy beauty products for your soul.”
“You know a woman is truly special when the most beautiful thing she has on is her soul.”
“Beauty is skin-deep, young man.”
“People are not your stepping stones, they’re not your means to an end. They are living, breathing, beautiful individuals created in an image that is absolutely unfathomable by any lens, image processor or software.”