“These days when Christians bicker they exaggerate passion into a legalistic belief and prosperity into a lukewarm belief.”

“When it’s all over and the dust from our Ancestors bodies and our own settle from the four winds only then will we see that we were here!”

“No one, in the world’s whole history, ever attempted to substantiate a truth by a miracle. Truth scorns the assistance of miracle. Nothing but falsehood ever attested itself by signs and wonders. No miracle ever was performed, and no sane man ever thought he had performed one, and until one is performed, there can be no evidence of the existence of any power superior to, and independent of nature.”

“If I told you to wish for good health, you would think I’m ridiculous; but when I exchange the word “wish” for the word “pray”, you believe it can work. That is the disempowering delusion religions have brought us.”

“If you believe it to be possible, it will be.”

“You are as powerful as you believe you are.”

“In order to create you have to believe in your ability to do so and that often means excluding whole chunks of normal life, and, of course, pumping yourself up as much as possible as a way of keeping on. Sort of cheering for yourself in the great football stadium of life.”(Barnes & Noble Review, email dialogue with Cameron Martin, Feb. 09, 2009)”

“Belief is the starting point for creating all dreams.”

“Get to work. Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair.”

“Writing was a spiritual exercise for my father, the only thing he really believed in.”

“Faith in God is sure foundation.”

“If we believed in the blessed Saviour, we shall be saved.”

“Believe that your life is not ordinary and never look down on what you can do to impact a life.”

“We believe because it gives us faith. It gives us the willingness to go through our day, to keep the existentialist threat of meaninglessness away. We believe because we crave to be seen, to be known, to be understood. We believe because that is the only thing we can do. If there is no one to judge us – to tell us that we are good, and that if we are bad, we can be redeemed – why bother living at all? Why bother being good at all? If there is no one to look after us, and we are truly alone in this universe, what purpose do we have? We have nothing but the present moment, and only temporariness.”