All Quotes By Tag: Calling
“When you choose your own way, you lose your happiness”
“The crowning fortune of a man is to be born to some pursuit which finds him employment and happiness, whether it be to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals, or statues, or songs.”
“If God has called you to something, the most ignorant question you can ask is “Do I have the ability to do this?” Conversely, the wisest question you can ask is, “When can we get started?”
“Most of us have nicknames—annoying, endearing, embarrassing.But what about your true name?It is not necessarily your given name. But it is the one to which you are most eager to respond when called.Ever wonder why?Your true name has the secret power to call you.”
“I don’t want to listen to the myriad chorus of voices that call me to various horizons, regardless of how pristine those horizons might be. Rather, I would much prefer to listen for the voice that created the horizons.”
“We are deathly afraid of attempting great things, yet on the other hand we are also deathly afraid of missing great things. But the larger question in all of this might be, “Why is it that great things matter to us in the first place?” They matter because God made us for great things.”
“Without as much as a single question, legions of geese lift themselves to autumn’s skies, obediently heeding the distant call of southern horizons. And I think that it’s less the magnificence of their trek, and more about the humility of their obedience to the trek. For if I was left with a single prayer to utter, it would be to be more like them.”
“We all have a dream for what this life could be like. Christmas is God handing us everything that we need to make that dream a reality. The issue is, are we willing to take up that ‘everything’ or let our dreams fall to ‘nothing.”
“I don’t need to paint a picture of what I want my life to look like. What I need to do is to study the picture that God painted of me so that I can better understand how to live out the splendor of the painting.”
“To paraphrase Paul, God often uses the cheesy to confound the sophisticated. He regularly honors those who are confused about his leading as if they have nailed it.”
“As is typical of this God [of Israel], he calls his people into freedom in the most unlikely place.”
“God chose to save you for a purpose”
“It makes me happier, more secure, to think that I do not have to plan and manage everything for myself, that I am only a sword made sharp to smite the unclean forces, an enchanted sword to cleave and disperse them.Grant, O Lord, that I may not break as I strike! Let me not fall from Thy hand!”
“I won’t telephone him. I’ll never telephone him again as long as I live. He’ll rot in hell, before I’ll call him up. You don’t have to give me strength, God; I have it myself. If he wanted me, he could get me. He knows where I am. He knows I’m waiting here. He’s so sure of me, so sure. I wonder why they hate you, as soon as they are sure of you.”
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”