“You are what you eat.’ And that fact applies infinitely more to your soul than it does your body.”

“I might wish to consider that upon which I stand, for in fact I may be standing on nothing which means that in reality I am not standing at all.”

“The turbulent nature of the storm is always second to the loving nature of God. Therefore, while an umbrella might keep me dry, it is God who dries the umbrella.”

“I don’t want to listen to the myriad chorus of voices that call me to various horizons, regardless of how pristine those horizons might be. Rather, I would much prefer to listen for the voice that created the horizons.”

“I will eventually come to resemble that which I seek. Therefore, the outcome of seeking the praises of men verses the praises of God begs some serious consideration.”

“I desperately want someone to see the anguish of my soul, for to walk alone in that kind of anguish creates an anguish all its own.”

“I’m not so arrogant as to somehow think that I’m God, but sometimes I find myself acting like I’m a little ‘god’. The fact is, if I try to be either of these I will be neither of these nor anything else of much value.”

“I can imagine all sorts of things. But can I imagine a God who insists that we imagine the impossible so that the impossible need not remain imagination?”

“Received much knowledge throughout the yearSermons are absorbed pulpit to earSituations test your walkTribulations make you talkApply wisdom to all you hold dear- A portion of ‘Applications”

“The nature of salvation is peace, or reconciliation – peace with God, peace with others, peace within.”

“Quite often ‘wishing upon a star’ is a response to a dream that I’ve surrendered to a wish because it was bigger than me, instead of being a dream that has surrender to my wishes because God was bigger than it.”

“I get so caught up in praying for a way ‘around’ things that I completely miss the fact that God has already ‘removed’ those things. And it is then that I realize that I had imposed my weakness on God’s strength.”

“My focus is not on the flood that surrounds me. Rather, my focus is on the God Who surrounds the flood.”

“When it comes to my life, I may chase the pay-off of the moment or I may pay-it-forward into my future. Yet, being ‘righteous’ in these choices may grant me neither so that God might grant me everything.”

“She was not a Christian in the accepted sense; she did not believe that God had ever worked among us as a young artisan.”