All Quotes By Tag: Death
“It wasn’t his, it wasn’t my fault,we both had nothing except patience,but Death has none. I saw him come (how meanly!)and I watched him as he took and took:none of it I could claim as mine. ”
“I’m not scared of death, I just don’t want to seek it out.”
“the sensation of trying to escape… but never being able to… i’m sure i felt that… that’s… death”
“No mother should lose her child.”
“Death is the reward for living”
“It is always consoling to think of suicide;it’s what gets one through many a bad night.”
“I know LSD; I don’t need to take it anymore. Maybe when I die, like Aldous Huxley.”
“I must confess, I have always wondered what lay beyond life, my dear.Yeah, everybody wonders. And sooner or later everybody gets to find out.”
“We each owe a death, there are no exceptions, I know that, but sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile is so long.”
“Survival is the celebration of choosing life over death. We know we’re going to die. We all die. But survival is saying: perhaps not today. In that sense, survivors don’t defeat death, they come to terms with it.”
“Tirelessly they flew on and on, and tirelessly she kept pace. She felt a fierce joy possessing her, that she could command these immortal presences. And she rejoiced in her blood and flesh, in the rough pine bark she felt next to her skin, in the beat of her heart and the life of all her senses, and in the hunger she was feeling now, and in the presence of her sweet-voiced bluethroat dæmon, and in the earth below her and the lives of every creature, plant and animal both; and she delighted in being of the same substance as them, and in knowing that when she died her flesh would nourish other lives as they had nourished her.”
“Having made the decision to love, had I chosen life instead of death?”
“I lost my father this past year, and the word feels right because I keep looking for him. As if he were misplaced. As if he could just turn up, like a sock or a set of keys.”
“Killing is easy,” said Mo, “Dying is harder…”