All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“If the whole universe can be found in our own body and mind, this is where we need to make our inquires. We all have the answers within ourselves, we just have not got in touch with them yet. The potential of finding the truth within requires faith in ourselves.”
“A voice said, “Climb.” And he said, “How shall I climb?the mountains are so steep that I cannot climb.”The voice said, “Climb or die.”He said, “But how?I see no way up those steep ascents. This that is asked is too hard for me.”The voice said, “Climb, or perish, soul and body of theemind and spirit of thee. There is no second chance for any son of man. Climb or die.”Then he remembered that he had read in the books of the bravest climbers on the hills of the earth that sometimes they were aware of the presence of a Companion on the mountains who was not one of the earthly party of climbers. And he rememberd a word in the Book of Mountaineers…it heartened him,for it told him that he was created to walk in precarious places, not on the easy levels of life.”
“It is easier for a Russian to become an Atheist, than for any other nationality in the world. And not only does a Russian ‘become an Atheist,’ but he actually BELIEVES IN Atheism, just as though he had found a new faith, not perceiving that he has pinned his faith to a negation. Such is our anguish of thirst!”
“Faith is the poetry of our dreams; action is the builder of our reality.”
“Many things the gods achieve beyond our judgement,'” said the sorrowful girl. “‘What we thought is not confirmed and what we thought not God contives.”
“Someone has said,”Education is going from an unconscious to conscious awareness of one’s ignorance.”..No one has a corner on wisdom. All the name-dropping in the world does not heighten the significance of our character. If anything, it reduces it. Our acute need is to cultivate a willingness to learn and to remain teachable.”
“It take faith to follow your dreams and courage to reach them.”
“Logic kills. Faith burns. Better to be the one with the torch than the one on the pyre.”
“When in darkness….strike a match”
“I have found more inspiration in the cottages of fishermen than in the palaces of the rich.”
“We believe that faith is the cure that heals all troubles.”
“Life is full of change, honey. That’s how we learn and grow. When we’re born, the Good Lord gives each of us a Life book. Chapter by chapter, we live and learn.”
“[Knowing God]… call it love, yes, only that can sound too emotional, or call it faith, and that can sound too cerebral. And what is it? Both, and neither… [its] the decision to be faithful, the patient refusal of easy gratifications… of Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane and on the cross, that bloody crown of love and faith. That is how I learn finally of a God who will not be fitted into my catergories and expectations… the living truth too great for me to see, trusting that He will see and judge and yet not turn me away… That is the mercy which will never give us, or even let us be content with less than itself and less than the truth… we have seen the truth enacted in our own world as mercy, grace and hope, as Jesus, the only-begotten, full of grace and truth..”
“My true religion, my faith in God. He gives me love and compassion. I simply return them by loving and being compassionate towards others. Our own heart, our own mind, is the temple of God. The teachings of God is to love one another as he loves us. We love by respecting and being compassionate, whatever they decide to do with their life”
“Now I think ultimately our hope is certainly that people can feel and taste the goodness of God and to find the salvation in Jesus’s love and sacrifice. Sometimes the biggest barrier to that has been Christians and has been a Church that is numb to the poverty of the world or just sees our Christianity as a ticket into heaven while ignoring the hells of the world around us. And we’re not willing to settle for that kind of Christianity. We believe in a kingdom that begins now and that the kingdom of God Jesus preached is not just something we’re to go to when we die but that we’re to bring down on earth as it is in heaven.”