“The world is not an impediment, it is your ignorance (of the Self) that impedes you. When does ignorance (of the Self) leave? It leaves through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) that the Gnani Purush gives. What should the Knowledge of the Gnani Purush be like? It should be science (Vignan). Vignan is animate (chetan), whereas knowledge is inanimate (achetan). The knowledge that is prevailing in the world is achetan. Achetan means that it cannot work on its own from within (kriyakari) whereas this (Knowledge of the Self) is science. Science constantly keeps working on its own, You do not have to do anything.”

“When certain circumstances of the body tend to happen, the time for insolvency begins. Everything indeed is going to go into insolvency. Therefore You should get your work done. As long as this ‘shop’ (the body) exists, complete all your transactions.”

“Dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) will persist only if there is discretion (vivek) between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate, otherwise dispassion for worldly life can never last. The discretion between that which is appropriate and that which is inappropriate comes through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan).”

“For dispassion of worldly life (vairaag) one requires experiential Knowledge; it will not do if one goes about it baselessly!”

“Agnan (‘ignorance of the self’ based knowledge) takes one down and in that, the energies of the pudgal (non-Self complex, that which charges and discharges) keeps on coming. Whereas the Knowledge [self realized knowledge] that takes one higher, because it has to go against the pudgal [non-self complex], one will have to ask for the energy, only then can he go higher.”

“Energy of pudgal [that which charges and discharges, complex of intake and output] is used in knowing the knowledge of ignorance based knowledge [agnan, all other knowledge other than knowledge of the self], and prayer is required to be done to know the knowledge of Gnan [Knowledge of the Soul, our Real Self].”

“The Knowledge that manifests in conduct; that is true Knowledge. The rest are considered as knowledge without substance (shushka gnan). This Akram Vignan is such that it will manifest in conduct!”

“The Knowledge (Gnan) is itself the absolute Self (Parmatma). Gnan (Knowledge) never becomes agnan (ignorance), but the applied awareness changes and that is what is referred to as agnan (ignorance)!”

“We’ (Gnani Purush) have Seen the facts as they are, in our Knowledge, and that is what I speak about. There is no superior father figure who binds one. Agnan (ignorance) binds and Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), will liberate. The ignorance that binds is everywhere, whereas the Knowledge that liberates can only be obtained if one comes across a Gnani Purush!”

“The worldly knowledge that you have received, do not dispense justice on the basis of that worldly knowledge. I have spoken of ‘vyavasthit’ (result of scientific circumstantial evidences), dispense justice on the basis of that Knowledge. The basis of worldly knowledge will torment you. If worldly knowledge dispels then worldly life goes. It is with the Knowledge of vyavasthit, that worldly knowledge dispels.”

“It is knowledge (gnan) indeed that runs everything. All the actions (kriyao) are actually carried out by the knowledge (gnan). The result of following according to what the Gnani’s have said is cessation of worldly intents (virati)! And the result of worldly knowledge is continuation of worldly intents (avirati)!”

“When children see their parents killing insects, then they also kill [insects]. Whatever knowledge they see, they do accordingly. So they take a beating for it.”

“Additional (excessive) knowledge’ [vishesh gnan] will lead to interference, and ‘basic knowledge’ [samanya gnan] will lead to a state of non-attachment (vitaraagta).”

“The ‘Knowledge’ that does not let you mix [be one] with the non-Self [Anatma], that ‘Knowledge’ is itself the Soul [Atma, the Pure Self].”

“What people say is not wrong; it is worldly (laukik). Where there are people, there will always be worldly things, however talks that are beyond the world (alaukik), is completely different from these worldly talks. Everything that you have learnt so far, from the perspective of alaukik [that which is beyond the world] knowledge, is incorrect. Therefore from today onwards, put a cross over it and discard the old knowledge.”