All Quotes By Tag: God
“In Heaven there will be no anguish and no duty of turning away from our earthly Beloveds. First, because we shall have turned already; from the portraits to the Original, from the rivulets to the Fountain, from the creatures He made lovable to Love Himself. But secondly, because we shall find them all in Him. By loving Him more than them we shall love them more than we now do.”
“God has devised ways for all of us to live, but it is for us to choose how.”
“The Human Institution of Religion should not be confused with GOD”
“Was Hagar’s naming of God an act of defiance and resistance as well as an expression of awe?”
“The Lord was exposed with naked body: He was not deemed worthy even of covering; and, in order that He might not be seen, the luminaries turned away, and the day became darkened, because they slew God, who hung naked on a tree.”
“It may indeed be fantasy when IEssay to draw from all created thingsDeep, heartfelt, inward joy that closely clings;And trace in leaves and flowers that round me lieLessons of love and earnest piety.So let it be; and if the wide world ringsIn mock of this belief, it bringsNor fear, nor grief, nor vain perplexity.So will I build my altar in the fields,And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be,And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yieldsShall be the incense I will yield to Thee,Thee only God! and thou shalt not despiseEven me, the priest of this poor sacrifice.”
“God is no longer part of the story. Children, you’re on your own.”
“Nothing sprang up at him in his youth that declared the presence of God, but when he studied mathematics in high school and college, one principle arrested his attention: central tendency, the great force drawing natural phenomena toward moderation and away from extremes. Some birch trees are tall at maturity and some are short, but most are a middle height. A cat can give birth to any number of kittens from one to eight in a typical litter, but more kittens are born to litters of four than any other litter size. The differences fall quite smoothly along a bell curve. Scientific consensus was that all genetic traits, except of course those that had been intentionally altered, including human height, weight, intelligence, etc. were so distributed. It was like nature did what Brodt had one day in the breakroom heard Sanayah call “choosing the middle path.” Was central tendency a law of nature or a law of God, or were they the same thing?”
“Is this where you tell me God moves in mysterious ways, or something to that effect?” Gilbert asked? Reverend Perry’s eyes twinkled. “I have no idea what God was thinking with this one, Gilbert. But it’s not my place to question. I simply accept the results, and what we’re witnessing now, my dear friend, are wonderful results.”
“Can God be so powerful as to surrender all power? And the answer was yes!”
“Only assertions that we can verify make sense. A sentence such as “God is here” cannot be verified because we cannot prove God’s existence by empirical means. Hence this sentence is senseless.”
“Why have You made us the saddest animal? (…) He cannot do it, Henry, that is why. He can’t continue us. All He can do is try to make us happy that we die. Really, He’s a pretty good fellow.”
“If I only use prayer as my back-up when life goes dark, I’m going to find my back up against a whole lot of dark.”
“When it’s dark, I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Yet, no matter how deep the darkness might be, God sees both. And when I realize that, the dark never really gets that dark.”
“Hope is not some flimsy belief that things might somehow work out. Rather, hope is a belief in a God who’s already worked it out.”