All Quotes By Tag: God
“Drawing identity from any area other than the source of life is a spiritual death sentence, and worse, it’s contagious, because it gives birth to tribalism. However, when we return to our central identity of image-bearers designed to receive love from and reflect love to others, we are naturally invited to shed all of the unloving, fear-based tribal behaviors that come from loyalty to the label.”
“When you talk about “white privilege”, you’re talking about something systemic. When you’re talking about “black privilege” it’s something spiritual because we as black people tap into a divine system that a lot of other cultures and races can’t tap into and that system allows us to prosper in spite of everything that’s been thrown our way from slavery to segregation to mass incarceration. We have a privilege pre-ordained by God that nothing and no one can stop.”
“I stepped inside a church once, when it was raining really hard and I couldn’t get my umbrella open. It smelled like old people, and every little noise I made echoed really loudly. I remember everyone in the pews turning to stare at me funny, but that could have been because I interrupted their service. You know, by jumping up and down and screaming that God was burning me.”
“If I only use prayer as my back-up when life goes dark, I’m going to find my back up against a whole lot of dark.”
“When it’s dark, I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Yet, no matter how deep the darkness might be, God sees both. And when I realize that, the dark never really gets that dark.”
“Hope is not some flimsy belief that things might somehow work out. Rather, hope is a belief in a God who’s already worked it out.”
“There is only one miracle but it is a fractal.”
“God/Dios, que desde luego no puede ser más que white/blanco, nos libre de tener jamás una aspiración diferente o una idea original que nos pueda alejar del ansiado dream/sueño del whitening/blanqueamiento total.”
“… The power which the common people ascribe to God is not only a human power (which shows that they look upon God as a man, or as being like a man), but that it also involves weakness.”
“I know why this is Lucy’s favorite song. Lucy believes in a world that’s fair. As she recites, clear and crisp, I realize I believe in that world, too. I just don’t believe in a god who will create it for us. I think we’ll have to do it on our own.”
“In her eye I see that the eagle must even know my name and, by the gaping of her beak, will shortly scream my name, and this terrifies me. For shall my name be screamed in judgment or in blessing? And what shall be my name when it resounds to the four corners of the earth?”
“In this story, we are not God’s enemies. We are God’s image-bearers and the most precious thing he created. We are not sin but are oppressed by the force of sin. We need saving but not from God or even ourselves–we need saving from all of those many things that interfere with our ability to perfectly reflect and receive love.”
“I use the language of worship rather than belief because I am never sure if I believe in God. I do not trust myself enough to take what I believe seriously. But I do worship God, and I do so with joy. (Huffpost Blog, “The Surprise of Being a Christian”)”
“Religion is one of the oils with which we alleviate the friction between those who have a lot and those who have nothing.”
“We wonder why peace is elusive. Simply put, anything is elusive if we’re looking for it in the wrong places. And if God doesn’t have something to do with our search, we’re definitely in the wrong place.”