“In India God is full of gods.”

“When the opening verses of Genesis say that we were created in the image and likeness of God, it is helpful to remember that this means we are actually created in the image and likeness of LOVE. We were created by love. We were created to receive love. We were created to reflect love. Our entire purpose for existing is to love.”

“We can see that sin is simply anything that disrupts the way life is intended to be. Sometimes we are the ones who do the disrupting; sometimes it’s done to us. But never does sin become part of our identity. We are created in the image and likeness of love, and nothing can destroy that.”

“Strongest drug in existence is love, even God is addicted to it.”

“It’s my belief that God gives us all gifts, special abilities that we have the privilege of developing to help us serve Him and humanity.”

“She was always on guard against false claims that religious faith was psychologically unhealthy. She was religious, her family and friends were religious, and they were okay. They were more than okay. They were confident, compassionate, productive people–all this while realizing that when they wanted to walk across a room, they didn’t place one foot in front of the other unless God animated them to do so.”

“You have the innate power to discern that a presence is arising within you that is not the mind. The Divine is giving you a kiss from within. And even a lightly blown kiss from God will be enough to stir you into embarking upon the search for freedom. That kiss will set your heart on fire!”

“When we consecrate ourselves to God, we think we are making a great sacrifice, and doing lots for Him, when really we are only letting go of some little bitsy trinkets we have been grabbing, and when our hands are empty, He fills them full of His treasure. ~ Betty Stam”

“Never Judge Another Person’s Journey!”

“The gods are no longer part of the story. We’re on our own.”

“God was seldom discussed in our family except in a very distant sort of way, rather like our cousins in Canada.”

“In that moment of disappointment, pause and remember that GOD has a better plan for you”

“Life is not about human beings alone. If you read any of my books to your ailing pets and all animals and creation, healing takes place for the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is a wonderful healer of all things and all creation…Hallelujah”

“It may indeed be fantasy when IEssay to draw from all created thingsDeep, heartfelt, inward joy that closely clings;And trace in leaves and flowers that round me lieLessons of love and earnest piety.So let it be; and if the wide world ringsIn mock of this belief, it bringsNor fear, nor grief, nor vain perplexity.So will I build my altar in the fields,And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be,And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yieldsShall be the incense I will yield to Thee,Thee only God! and thou shalt not despiseEven me, the priest of this poor sacrifice.”

“God is no longer part of the story. Children, you’re on your own.”