“The Holy God gives grace.”

“Grace freely given by God.”

“Whoever shall call on God, shall be saved.”

“The greatest joy is the grace of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.”

“Until God draws you to himself, can you come close to Him.”

“To find grace, we need not look so very far ahead. We need only look at the present moment. God gives us grace right now, in the very moment we need it most.”

“Whoever calls on the Savior, shall be saved.”

“Whoever believed in Jesus Christ, shall be justified by faith in Son of God.”

“If it meant brighter stars, she would follow God into the darkness.”

“Sometimes God pulls us away from normal just long enough to begin something great in us.”

“It is not great faith but true faith that saves. And the salvation lies not in the faith but in the Christ in whom faith trusts.”

“Through understanding of God way’s of grace, a man find grace to turn away from evil.”

“Faith in Christ Jesus is the grace of God.”

“The righteous God promotes the cause of righteousness.”

“We saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.”