“If it were not for hopes, the heart would break.”

“Jayden laughed grimly. ‘Press the attack and hope for the best.”Hope is not a strategy,’ said Kira’It’s not plan A,’ said Jayden, ‘and it shouldn’t be plan B, but it is every plan C that has ever been made.”

“The difference between hope and despair is a different way of telling stories from the same facts.”

“We look into each other’s eyes as we shake. His are still full of death and horror, but in them I see my face reflected, and inside my tiny eyes inside his, I think I see some hope.”

“I am hope.”

“It does not count if you believe in yourself when it’s easy to believe in yourself. It does not count if you believe the world can be a better place when the future looks bright. It does not count if you think you’re going to make it when the finish line is right in front of you. It counts when it’s hard to believe in yourself, when it looks like the world’s going to end and you’ve still got a long way to go.That’s when it counts. That’s when it matters the most.”

“If the whole world is evil, then the tragedy that befell you is justified,” she went on. “That would make it easier for you to accept the deaths of your wife and daughters. But if good people do exist, then, however much you deny it, your life will be unbearable; because fate set a trap for you, and you know you didn’t deserve it. It isn’t the light you want to recover, it’s the certainty that there is only darkness.”

“Everybody’s damaged. It’s just a question of how badly, and whether you’re healing or still bleeding.”

“Look: the trees exist; the houseswe dwell in stand there stalwartly. Only wepass by it all, like a rush of air.And everything conspires to keep quiet about us,half out of shame perhaps, half out of some secret hope.”

“Right now, we’re living in an ugly chapter of our lives, but books always get better!”

“Hang in there. It is astonishing how short a time it can take for very wonderful things to happen.”

“Don’t die on me,” she ordered. “You are not dying on me.””Yes, ma’am.” He felt light-headed, but she was about the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Her hair was smoldering. Her face was smudged with soot. She had a cut on her arm, her dress was torn, and she was missing a boot. Beautiful.”

“Every moment has its pleasures and its hope.”

“There had to be dark and muddy waters so that the sun could have something to background it’s flashing glory.”

“Life has moments that feel as if the sun has blackened to tar and the entire world turned to ice.  It feels as if Hades and his vile demons have risen from the depths of Tartarus solely for the purpose of banding to personally torture you, and that their genuine intent of mental, emotional, and spiritual anguish is tearing you to shreds.  Your heart weighs as heavily as leaden legs which you would drag yourself forward with if not for the quicksand that pulls you down inch by inch, paralyzing your will and threatening oblivion.  And all the while fire and brimstone pour from the sky, pelting only you.  Truly, that is what it feels like. But that feeling is a trial that won’t last forever.  Never give up.”