“Hardship is the discipline of life.”

“What’s important is not the number, the crowd and even less what we do. But what’s important is who Jesus teaches us to be!”

“When, at the end of their lives, most men look back they will find that they have lived throughout ad interim. They will be surprised to see that the very thing they allowed to slip unnapreciated and unenjoyed by was their life. And so a man, having been duped by hope, dances into the arms of death.”

“She seems hopeful and normally hungry for life — even rather romantic.”

“With faith in God, we shall overcome any situation.”

“To wait is to seek the sacred ways.”

“To seek the sacred ways is to search the holy words.”

“You keep going, and you hope for the best, and sometimes, maybe not very often, your hopes come true.”

“Sadly, Our Dispirited Dream often conditions us to conform to a safe path rather than journey through the unknown in resonance with the one true voice within us. We are guided to choose one of the sanctioned roles, instead of unfolding our own. This outwardly authorized path, this siren song of security, holds hostage our highest potential, our most valuable contribution, and ultimately, our wellbeing.”

“Sometimes life will not accommodate your fondest hopes. You must let go of these treasured dreams. They were never real. Just let the image of each illusive hope flow away from you like an imaginary leaf on a river of daydreams.”

“It is better to hope than be un-happy.”

“When the underlying dream changes, when we successfully remove the blinders of the old cosmological conditioning, we will be able to apply our collective intelligence to its most enlightened purpose. Our lives will speak to us again with clarity and without the manipulation of fear attempting to protect itself from the distorted dream.”

“You are an integral part of this precious opportunity to take part in the collaboration of a world. Despite the cacophonous cast of characters inside and out, your one true voice continuously rallies you towards self-actualization. The universe or ‘one song’ awaits your note in the collective chorus.”

“The paradise we seek is a parallel reality to our Dispirited Dream, waiting for us to see it and choose it. We need to realize that we are perpetuating the conditions of our world with our focus and that we can shift our focus to the preferred conditions.”

“We have colluded with a world that denies our true nature, making it an unsustainable world. In our growing up as a species, it is time to realize that we, as individuals, have an ability and an accountability to affect a new reality. We need you.”