“Be the ‘I’ and ‘I’m’ In Time”

“I don’t compete against other women. To uplift others means I’m never looking down on them. I applaud their strength, and I remind them that we never know how strong we are until we are tested. And this life will test you… But it’s not a competition. I want us all to make it.”

“Marriage is the union of two ‘I’s to form a ‘V’. Both ‘I’s have to tilt equally to make a good ‘V’. ‘I’s standing tall can never make a ‘V’.”

“The illusion of ‘I’ is that you think you are ‘I’ while you are only ‘am’; and that ‘am’ is the first person singular of the verb ‘to be’. Since, for ‘to be’ you don’t need to say ‘I’, but for to say ‘I’ you need ‘to be’, thus you are prior to ‘I’ as ‘am’, and that ‘am’ is ‘to be’; therefore, to that note, on the ocean of ‘am’ alone, ‘I’ is only a wave.”

“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.”

“This is the strangest life I have ever known.”