“After all everybody, that is, everybody who writes is interested in living inside themselves in order to tell what is inside themselves. That is why writers have to have two countries, the one where they belong and the one in which they live really. The second one is romantic, is is separate from themselves, it is not real but it is really there.”

“Get to work. Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair.”

“When Inspiration and imagination meet, words smile at us.”

“I fix the cramped, lined pageswith my curious stare. How do youcome to exist?”

“The poet, however, uses these two crude, primitive, archaic forms of thought (simile and metaphor) in the most uninhibited way, because his job is not to describe nature, but to show you a world completely absorbed and possessed by the human mind.”

“His (Samuel Coleridge) dark senses were constantly in play, the frustration of them bringing illness. Weather and organic nature combined in a synaesthetic multi-media event, and this was the ground of all perception before it was divded up in daily living: the Primary Imagination giving way to the Secondary. Poetry was forever seeking a conscious return to this state, which existed all the time, whether he knew it or not.”

“Writing is like sculpturing words out of a block of imagination. Sentences chisel the story, then characters make it their own.”

“It has been my personal experience that as I allow the painting to speak I become lost, it is delicious and at the same time frightening. The best ones, to me, have a life of their own.”

“Sometimes the things in our heads are far worse than anything they could put in books or on film!!”

“Never outgrow your imagination.”

“She preferred the quiet solitary atmosphere, to create in her own world of paint and colour, the thrill of anticipating how her works would turn out as she eyed the blank sheets of paper or canvas before starting her next masterpiece. How satisfying it was to mess around in paint gear, without having to worry about spills, starch or frills, that was the life!”

“Rejoice, Micayon. Yours is a prophet’s dream. The Great Nostalgia has made your world too small, and made you a stranger in that world. It has unloosed your imagination from the grip ofthe despotic senses; and imagination has brought you forth your Faith.And Faith shall lift you high above the stagnant, stifling world and carry you across the dreary emptiness and up the Rugged Mountains where every faith must needs be tried and purified ofthe last dregs of Doubt.And Faith so purified and triumphant shall lead you to the boundaries of the eternally green summit and there deliver you into the hands of Understanding. Having discharged its task, Faith shall retire, and Understanding shall guide your steps to the unutterable Freedom of theSummit which is the true, the boundless, and all-including home of God and the OvercomingMan.”

“I am a writer and things which don’t happen in real world, happen in my world.”

“Imagine as if the sole purpose of life is for imagination. Act as if the purpose of life is to realize those imaginations.”

“Close your eyes to see the light of your love. It is what is enlightening the whole world. You don’t see things with your eyes. You see them through your perceptions, emotions, and imaginations.”