All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Do not let the world tell you not to bloomJust because they aren’t ready for youJust because few days after they bloomedThey died on a barren land, in the rainYou may face the same fateBut deep down you would knowIt’s better to die bloomingThan choosing to never grow…”
“But know this.This life, it breathes in duality. Your now[s] are an imminent tomorrow[s].”
“You are not just a description, you are so much more.”
“.الحياة بلا عوائق مملة ومزعجة للغايةLife without obstacles is very boring and disturbing.”
“Eyes are the doors through which the world enters into our mind and the world comes out blended with illusion. Thus, we are the creators of our own world.”
“The sky was empty in the beginning only because it knew it had to be filled with stars.”
“You can curse the dark or you can turn the light on.”
“When you are with the wrong person for a relationship, it is like you being a candle and falling in love with fire. It gonna burn you down until you become so useless enough to be trashed into the bin.”
“No matter where I go, I’ll never forget home. I can feel its heartbeat a thousand miles away. Home is the place where I grew my wings.”
“We are called to follow God’s direction for our lives as best we can.”
“Think of the miraculous ways God could use you if you were able to hold on to who you are in Christ.”
“I want to inspire people, not for personal gain but a way of life.”
“One of the motivation behind why you age faster is on account of you stress over SHIT that doesn’t concern you.”
“Prayer restores courage, through prayer we restore the dignity that was once undermined, in prayer we affirm victory through faith.”
“الأفكار السلبية تعيق تقدمنا، علينا أن نقاومها ببسالة والتخلص من جذور المشكلة هو الشيء الذي يقتلعنا من وضع الألم من الضعف من الإهانة من سوء الحال..علينا أن نصعق معتقداتنا الذاتية الواهمة التي لا تلزم الا كل واحد منا لنجعلها نقطة انطلاقة لرحلة حب كونية ولنرتفع الى سماء الأسوياء المستقرين نفسيا القادرين على الأخذ بزمام الأمور ونستنشق هناك الأوكسيجين النقي الشافي، ونمشي في طرق كنا نعتقد أنها لم تخلق لمثلنا.. لا يجب أن نهدر عمر الأفراد والشعوب ونحن عالقين في أوحال الخوف وأشواك الماضي، هذا هو التشخيص، وانها حياة نستحقها لا كره فيها لا خوف فيها ولا ندم.”