All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Burdens are blessings inside out.”
“The greatest gift you can give to anyone is the one you would like to keep for yourself.”
“Do you want to make the dream come true?Do you want to make the dream come true?These five ways for you! I am Sajal Ahmed and I love to dreams, and tell you-Keep dreaming. Never forget to dream, after you can make your dreams come true. Yes its not false! You can also fulfill your dreams. How to know?Friend but let’s go-1) Keep dreaming. Look like a good, bad, black and white dreams. Friends remember that, these are the bad, good, bright and dark dreams of your whole life.2) You never think of yourself as a little. Yes friend, Do not think you’re too little. If you think of yourself as s a little, you are lost! What did Sajal Ahmed say? Why he smiling? Do not worry about this. Never tell anyone about your dreams. Perhaps they will laugh or think your dream will be trivial. When they smile, you start thinking trivial about your own dream. Can not move forward……Remember friend god has given you the power to endure. Come on yourself as you say. Those who laugh at you, leave piss in their mouth and Keep your dreams in yourself. If you want to make it true, you will have to keep it in yourself until it is successful. Those who saw you one day laugh, they will be jealous of you one day.3) Do not think of my dream sometimes small. Never think your dreams worthless. Remember, everyone can not see dream, dream is a great gift of God! If you’ve see dream you will feel lucky. Because the dream is like a revelation. It is not revealed to everyone.4) Friend, I tell you, do not forget to see a bad dream or curse yourself to see bad dreams. Because good things come from bad hands.And always remember this, “Every good thing on the earth was bad for some.”5) Listen friends, then think about the dream you want to make the truth. Until you get the keys to the secret door of that dream. If you find groping and do not throw it. Hold it tight.What?Why?How?with whom?for what reason?Where?Keep asking and find out the answer itself.Your brain is a huge answer shit.The answer to all the questions of the world is stored in it. You just find them. Be patient even if the breach of patience breaks “This is my dream” And search. And keep searching……Then you will find the key and with that you get the path to success. Cuse “You can dream it, you can do it.”
“Perjalanan sejatinya memang terdapat suka dan duka. Kedua hal yang tak bisa dipisahkan namun tetap sama-sama bisa dinikmati,.”
“Tidak semua rasa sakit harus diteriakkan, karena memilih diam terkadang mampu menguatkan diri,.”
“Jangan rubah dirimu menjadi monster saat orang-orang disekitarmu mengatakan hal buruk tentangmu. Penilaian memang datang dari orang lain, maka kendalikan dirimu dan pikiranmu,.”
“Semua orang sedang memberontak meski tak bersuara. Entah itu karena hal yang kompleks atau sederhana,.”
“Naiklah ke perahu meski kau takut diterjang badai dan tubuhmu gemetar karena goncangan gelombang, namun kau akan berlabuh ditempat yang lebih indah bersama mimpi gilamu itu,.”
“Sometimes we drink a little much to think a little less.”
“A river sweats when it loses drops, but an ocean does not even cry when it loses buckets.”
“The best chance you have if you wanna rise to top is the give yourself loanliness, fear nothing and work hard. One thing you will discover life is the best lesson you think, what you have learned much more than you think and what you have inside right from the beginning.”
“There will always be excuses, obstacles, and uncertainty. What there won’t always be is time.”
“Don’t let your dreams stay buried under the comfort of your current success.”
“Life is like a candle, make sure you bright someone’s life before you finished”
“Life support standards not the expectations.”