“Before I met you, all I could see was a black hole.Now the nights are full of bright shining stars whispering your name into a constellation.”

“How do you know you love her?’ His friend asked.’Because I would cross a hundred rivers and die a thousand suns just to be with her,’ He said.”

“The flower worn in her hair grew not out of water but out of love.”

“We still need the old to tell the young that in time they will learn.”

“She was chased by the feelings she was not ready to let go of.”

“In a world where everything revolves around money, I choose love.”

“Sometimes we see best when we close our eyes.”

“There’s no twice in once and forever.”

“Between my head and my heart I found peace with the unacceptable.”

“If you fight against the enemy of your enemy, you fight against yourself.”

“Look for the one who accepts the weight of your baggage.”

“Spreading positivity is the best remedy for a poisoned spirit.”

“Even the greatest showman alive could not reveal the trick behind the magic of her eyes.”

“She was a seed in springand a wildflower in autumn.”