All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Haruskah kita menunggu dan menjadi sesabar itu, hingga kelak matahari bangunkan tidurmu yang lelap. Menyeka sisa-sisa kelelahan dari kebodohan semalam,.”
“Melangkahlah dengan penuh pengharapan, melompatlah jika itu perlu dilakukan. Karena diam saja tidak akan menghasilkan apapun,.”
“A river sweats when it loses drops, but an ocean does not even cry when it loses buckets.”
“The best chance you have if you wanna rise to top is the give yourself loanliness, fear nothing and work hard. One thing you will discover life is the best lesson you think, what you have learned much more than you think and what you have inside right from the beginning.”
“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.”
“Sometimes we write poems about someone we never kissed. But in our dreams we did.”
“And beyond the Elysian Fields and the Garden of Eden I will look for the path that leads to your heart.”
“Never Underestimate the Divine Strength of a Mother who appears Broken…..This phrase, in the most reciprocal form, is powerful. A broken woman is perceived as weak, battered, useless, and incapable, among many other low states of Human life, effortlessly causing her to think it might be best to lie down and die. The thought represents a desperation to escape a pain more powerful than she. There is, but one superseding power, greater than the pain itself. You take this woman, who loves her kids to the highest degree of unselfishness and give her a hint they’re suffering. A Divine Strength that can’t be seen, perhaps not even felt will ignite a fire within her from miles away. No one in its path will see it coming, not even her. This strength indicates that she will go beyond any limits to protect her offspring even if it means rising to her death. There’s no mountain too high, no fire too crucible, nor a fear she won’t face, to ensure they are safe, both mentally and physically. The best part is, no matter how broken down she appears, or how robbed she may be, no one can take from her, what they don’t know she possesses. Following the exhaustion of all other choices, this strength is activated, only when it’s most necessary. It may never be discovered in a lifetime by many, but you can bet it’s there when you need it most. It’s in every one of us, festering, waiting for what may be the last moments of life or death.”
“Anything that’s shiny, shines due to its reflective quality. Reflection. People usually think that you are shiny because you are shiny. But what does it actually mean? It means that you reflect back to others the beauty in themselves and the love and care that they give to you. It’s never actually about you. It’s actually about everyone else. Your capability to reflect determines how luminous you are.”
“For one to be defined, the opposite must exist.”
“Real eyes, Realize, Real lies”
“Pain allows you to appreciate pleasure.”
“The darkness you inevitably succumb to is afraid ofhow radiant your soul truly is.”
“It’s necessary to win the war, not every battle.”
“There’s always that one person in our life we are saving the last dance for.”