“love is undying,of that I feel certain.I mean deep,abiding,cherishing love.The love that gives protection even as you,my guardian angel,gave me protection long after you had gone-and continue to give this very day…A love beyond Death-a love that makes Life alive!”

“Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don’t even dream of coming down.”

“Man should listen to nature because she has wisdom beyond our knowledge.”

“And beyond the Elysian Fields and the Garden of Eden I will look for the path that leads to your heart.”

“সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য নয়,সবার উপরে স্রষ্টা সত্য, তাহার উপরে নাই!”

“At beyond continent of reality, there are oceans of ideas.”

“There is no such thing as magic, supernatural, miracle; only something that’s still beyond logic of the observer.”