All Quotes By Tag: Inspirational-quotes
“Nature has a mind. The world has a heart. The universe has a soul.”
“When we walk new paths, we often stumble upon new gateways to unknown knowledge about ourselves, the world and the people around us.”
“Loyal friends have your back. And the ones that don’t, can watch you from behind.”
“Our experiences are stepping stones to our purpose.”
“Look at everything you have survived as evidence that you can survive this, too.”
“You are Fire!Don’t believe these mere mortals.They want to put you on a pedestaland sing paeans to you;later they would burn youin the altar of that same fire!Stand away and stand alone!You are limitless!But these mortals can only limit your sky!You are the Universe!But they will only give you a little space!Break free! It’s a trap!They want to cage you!Because, they are afraid of your real power!You are a woman.You are the fire!You are all conquering.You are all powerful!You are Supreme!You were not born to be a mere beauty queen!!”
“When the air is angry, we have hurricanes.When the water is angry, we have typhoons.When the land is angry, we have earthquakes.When the sky is angry, we have thunderstorms.When the universe is angry, we have death.When the air is happy, we have warmth.When the water is happy, we have springs.When the land is happy, we have rivers.When the sky is happy, we have rain.When the universe is happy, we have life.”
“The world’s deepest place is not the ocean, but the human heart.”
“Courage sees a seed, hope sees a tree, and faith sees a forest.”
“A candle in the wind is as valiant as a star in the sky.”
“Don’t waste time looking at the thorns or you’ll miss the roses.”
“Devour the thing that bites you first.”
“Mit Gedanken ist es manchmal wie mit dem Nebel an einem See. Sie trüben im ersten Moment unsere Sicht bis sie sich in einem Moment der Stille zuerst in Klarheit verwandeln und dann in Luft auflösen.”
“Abundance comes into reality when you realize you were never without.”
“A caterpillar is a butterfly inside out.”