“Slow progress is still progress.”

“The ticket to emotional health, like that to physical health, comes from eating your veggies – that is, accepting the bland and mundane truths of life: truths such as “Your actions actually don’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things” and “The vast majority of your life will be boring and not noteworthy, and that’s okay.” This vegetable course will taste bad at first. Very bad. You will avoid accepting it. But once ingested, your body will wake up feeling more potent and more alive.”

“What if that failure wasn’t really a failure? What if you’ve been looking at it the wrong way?”

“When we have poor values—that is, poor standards we set for ourselves and others—we are essentially giving fucks about the things that don’t matter, things that in fact make our life worse. But when we choose better values, we are able to divert our fucks to something better—toward things that matter, things that improve the state of our well-being and that generate happiness, pleasure, and success as side effects.”

“My opinion of me is what sets the tone of my personality”

“Poverty is not the lack of money; it is the fear of loosing one.”

“Apple cider vinegar has long been a staple in recipes and in home remedies. Some believe it is an age-old secret and a fountain of youth ingredient that you already have in your kitchen.”

“What pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for?” Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives turn out.”

“I wanted the reward and not the struggle. I wanted the result and not the process. I was in love with not the fight but only the victory. And life doesn’t work that way. Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.”

“There are very few people that are actually lazy in life. “I’m lazy” is a lazy explanation for your inaction.”

“You are under no obligation to look pretty, least of all someone else’s definition of pretty.”