“If you invest your life into yourself, you are not pouring your life out somewhere, to some job or for some salary, you are re-investing it into yourself. You are multiplying the quality of your life.”

“To truly be better than your past self, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours and you must invest so much time building yourself up.”

“No man can be skillful without first investing his time into relentless rehearsals.”

“Most people have not become better than they were five years ago because people hardly invest time into improving their knowledge, skills, and talents.”

“If you desire to be financially wealthy but don’t know how to invest time, then you are just dreaming.”

“Stop wasting time, start investing time for that is the only way to greatness.”

“Choose the territory you want to conquer and invest your time into developing yourself in that area until you become the best.”

“Whatever your territory is does not matter, what matters is the amount of time you are ready to invest into it to become the king of that territory.”

“It doesn’t matter your area of calling, you can invest quality time into it, you will definitely become the best and that will buy you greatness.”

“After deciding the territory you want to rule over, the next thing you must do is to invest your time into developing yourself and becoming the best in that territory.”

“Whatever territory you choose to explore and then invest all your time into it, you will be amazed how easy it is to become great.”

“It does not matter what your calling is, if you can invest all your time into it, then, greatness will become your reward.”

“The way to becoming the best in your area of calling is to invest more time than anyone else in that area of life.”

“When you invest more time into something than others, you become the best among equals.”

“If you can invest all your time into giving birth to a quality product, the whole world will celebrate you and everyone will be in need of your product.”