All Quotes By Tag: Knowledge-quotes
“To attain knowledge, learn continuously. To become wise, observe continuously.”
“Nowadays, focusing on transferring applicable knowledge is a very challenging task that all teachers face.”
“Those who know more can easily understand that they actually know so little.”
“Knowledge cannot be inherited nor can it simply be gifted.”
“If you intend to evaluate how your knowledge is applicable, transfer it to others.”
“Knowledge without action is empty as a shadow.”
“We must know who we are and where we are.”
“Knowledge is Only Permanent and Biggest Asset Than Others.”
“Passion for knowledge, motivation for continuous learning.”
“To know – that’s true happiness.”
“A knowledge-based society – that’s what I advocate for.”
“Those who understand seek to experience orfind”
“It’s impossible to conquer knowledge.”
“Friendship with ignorance is enmity with light.”
“The Excellency of KNOWLEDGE can be made obvious when broken down like this 》KNOW + L + EDGE. *What/Who* you *KNOW* will always give you the *EDGE* you need in life”