“In general, people accumulate knowledge gradually over a long period of time. However, there are extraordinary people all around us, who are capable of accumulating impressive amounts of knowledge within a relatively short period of time. Nevertheless, even the greatest genius possesses only a small fraction of all knowledge known by mankind. Finally, the following question arises: how large is all the existing knowledge in comparison to the space of ignorance?”

“Every plant, tree, and animal is a blessing and every person has a purpose for living. Courage, curiosity, and generosity produce noble spirits. Enduring life honorably results in wisdom. Knowledge passed down from one generation to the next along with humankind’s tradition of performing charitable and self-sacrificing deeds creates principled legacies for future generations to emulate.”

“In general, sharing and using things decreases their value. However, knowledge increases by implementation and especially by sharing among people.”

“Openness to change is key to implementing new knowledge. That is why one who is indifferent to change is not a friend of knowledge.”

“There is a huge difference between thinking we know something and actually knowing something.”

“A good man shares his knowledge selflessly with everyone.”

“Acquiring knowledge through the centuries has influenced human society more than all other factors.”

“Understanding how little we know is crucial to gaining knowledge.”

“Darkness reigns when knowledge is silent.”

“The universal mission of all educators is to let the torch of knowledge illuminate the world.”

“Spreading knowledge is the most effective weapon for defeating ignorance.”

“There is a simple rule regarding wisdom: those who have a superficial knowledge cannot be wise. On the contrary, wise people have broad knowledge. However, besides the acquired knowledge, wisdom arises from observation and contemplation over a longer period of time. Wisdom is, therefore, often the privilege of older people who have a broad knowledge and respectable experience. Feel free to ask such people for advice.”

“Knowledge is a unique treasure which no one can acquire easily.”

“Keep on learning as long as your here in this life because when you go your knowledge is the only thing that you can take with you”

“To attain knowledge, learn continuously. To become wise, observe continuously.”