“Non dare retta a chi tesse l’elogio delle vite pianeggianti. Le salire sono trampolini. E a te è sempre piaciuto tuffarti, vero?”

“La natura non prevede che i simili si attraggano. E per una ragione semplicissima che non mi stanco di ripeterti: le anime si incarnano per crescere, non per compiacere del livello raggiunto. Disdegnano le situazioni comode e hanno bisogno di sfide.”

“L’amore è una questione di energie contrastanti ed è questo che lo distingue dall’amicizia.”

“No, Julia, you need adventure. You need a lover, a holiday abroad. You need to cut your hair and swim naked in a river. You need to eat things you have never even seen before and speak languages you do not know. You need to kiss a man who makes you feel like your knees have turned to water and makes your heart feel as though it would spring from your chest.”

“Whatever doesn’t move in your direction moves away from it. Know yourself.”

“Instead of writing epitaph on your grave ; more beautiful and memorable is to leave some hand written letters to your wife, sons and daughters and grandchildren.”

“Maybe that is why we are all interested in the stories of others, especially the drastic ones. So we can vicariously experience what could very well have been our own story but for a quirk of fate.”

“When the World does not make sense to you, is the day you become sensible!”

“Don’t jump to conclusions, walk there…”

“I was so scared of losing you, living my life without you but You left!”

“So many hours lost wishing for things I could never have. Take me for a warning, Julia. Do not long for what you cannot have. Accept what is and thank God for it, before he sees fit to take it from you.”

“Don’t pity yourself or your condition. There would be thousands ready to swap places with you.”

“In order to fail, you must try first.”

“It’s not your fault if you were born or brought up in adverse circumstances. But, if this continues when you are an independent adult, no one else is responsible.”

“Happiness comes from solving problems. […] Happiness is a constant work-in-progress. The solutions to today’s problems will lay the foundation for tomorrow’s problems.”