All Quotes By Tag: Life-lessons
“The most hideous scene of life and the world is, the lamentation of a hungry child.”
“Some of the simplest of things can teach us the most profound lessons in life.”
“Distance increases love but severe distances permanently vanish it.”
“The biggest delusion of human is when he declares he has learnt, and the realization of that very delusion is when he corrects and says that, ” Yes, he is still learning”!”
“I believe obstacles come as a reminder for writers to remember without conflict there is no story. I am learning to look at life as my teacher in becoming a better writer.”
“One of the advantages to getting older, though: while you might not change all that much, you at least got to know yourself. The real you, minus the bullshit and wishful thinking.”
“What is happening in your world right now is your message, your sign, your omen… Everything you want to “know” is found in the way you love, the way you live, and how you respond to life.”
“You shouldn’t think about the past so much…Looking back only gives you a stiff neck.”
“The more we seek to understand what we don’t understand, the more we do not understand.”
“I am talking about seizing your life and truly living it before it is too late.”
“Prenditi tutto il tempo, ma non lasciare che il tempo si prenda tutto.”
“Non dare retta a chi tesse l’elogio delle vite pianeggianti. Le salire sono trampolini. E a te è sempre piaciuto tuffarti, vero?”
“La natura non prevede che i simili si attraggano. E per una ragione semplicissima che non mi stanco di ripeterti: le anime si incarnano per crescere, non per compiacere del livello raggiunto. Disdegnano le situazioni comode e hanno bisogno di sfide.”
“L’amore è una questione di energie contrastanti ed è questo che lo distingue dall’amicizia.”
“No, Julia, you need adventure. You need a lover, a holiday abroad. You need to cut your hair and swim naked in a river. You need to eat things you have never even seen before and speak languages you do not know. You need to kiss a man who makes you feel like your knees have turned to water and makes your heart feel as though it would spring from your chest.”