“They hate you because you act like you’re better than they are….” “[they are] Four that you humiliated in the yard. Four who are probably afraid of you. I’ve watched you fight. It’s not training with you. Put a good edge on your sword, and they’d be dead meat; you know it, I know it, they know it. You leave them nothing. You shame them. Does that make you proud?”

“Don’t just write a “To Do” list. Write a “To Be” list.”

“Remember tomorrow has it own plans.so if you plan for tomorrow dont think tomorrow will favor you.”

“Sto lavorando duro per preparare il mio prossimo errore.”

“You can’t worry about the future so much that you miss out on the present.”

“Ciascuno esamini i propri pensieri: li troverà sempre occupati dal passato e dall’avvenire. Non pensiamo quasi mai al presente, o se ci pensiamo, è solo per prenderne lume al fine di predisporre l’avvenire. Il presente non è mai il nostro fine: il passato o il presente sono i nostri mezzi; solo l’avvenire è il nostro fine. Così non viviamo mai, ma speriamo di vivere, e, preparandoci sempre ad essere felici, è inevitabile che non siamo mai tali.”

“You don’t learn anything just by reading books.You learn only by receiving blows.”

“You need to be buried deep in the dirt before you can find your bloom.”

“Wer einmal sich selbst gefunden, kann nichts auf dieser Welt mehr verlieren.”

“Live each day as if it were your last, for one day, you’re sure to be right.”

“When a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.”

“If nothing changes then nothing changes.”

“We create a meaningful life by what we accept as true and by what we create in the pursuit of truth, love, beauty, and adoration of nature.”

“Choose battles that you can win without losing your heart and your soul.”

“To all those who care, You can’t forever. Time steals the years,And your reflection in the mirror.But I can still see the story in your eyes, And your timeless passion that’s never died.While your skin became tired,Your heart became strong,The present became the past,And your memories like a song.And though the moment at hand is all that we have, You’ve taught me to live it like it is our last.Since two words don’t say ‘thank you’ the way they are meant to,I’ll try all my life to be something like you.”