All Quotes By Tag: Life-philosophy
“Energy never lies.”
“Sometimes it’s not the times you decide to fight, but the times you decide to surrender—those are the decisions that can make all the difference. Those are the ones that can shape your story in history.”
“It shouldn’t matter what I say, but rather, how you feel—don’t listen to the words of people. Instead, listen to your heart. It doesn’t lie, and it is speaking just as loudly.”
“The largest fish in the river grew to its size, not because of its strength, but because it learned not to bite a baited hook.”
“It is not because things are difficult,that we do not dare,it is because we do not darethat Things are difficult”
“The more we seek to understand what we don’t understand, the more we do not understand.”
“The power of really seeing things as they are is the most under-valued gift you can give yourself.”
“When the World does not make sense to you, is the day you become sensible!”
“Don’t jump to conclusions, walk there…”
“Don’t pity yourself or your condition. There would be thousands ready to swap places with you.”
“Listen to me, dear. When life hands you something, you take it, for in all likelihood, there’s a large crisis heading your way.”
“You can weave your life so long—only so long,” Coren says to Sybel, “and then a thing in the world out of your control will tug at one vital thread and leave you patternless and subdued.”
“هناك من يحتاج الفريق ليصبح قويا، وهناك من يحتاجه الفريق ليصبح قويا. قويا بذاته، وحيادا متميزا محلقا منفردا بين الغيوم. هذا هو الصقر يا بني، لذا اتخذته الشعوب شعاراً لأعلامها و زين دروع القادة”
“Ne stvaraju okolnosti ljude. Ljudi stvaraju okolnosti.”
“Love yourself, and you’ll never be without a loved one.”