“He: You have a great smile indeed!She: I keep smiling even when I am tearing. He: That is so difficult to do. Please tell me how to do it. She: You already have that talent. You just need a little more practise!”

“In order to see the sun shine, you have to walk through the rain”

“In order to see the sun shine, you need to wait out the rain”

“In order to see the sun shine, you need to wait out the rain, or you’ll never see the sun shine, when it comes again”

“Leave the past where it belongs and focus on where you’re going.”

“To be fruitful in life, you need to be thoughtful.”

“The key to a good life is FOCCEPT – FOcus on what you want, aCCEPT what you have…”

“Create a life that you just cannot wait to wake up else you are not different to the ones sleeping in the grave”

“You can’t begin to live till you know what it means to die.”

“It is impossible to change lives and remain the same.”

“Having an open mind is like leaving a post during war…”

“We become so focused on the individual events and circumstances of our lives, so eager to label them as “good” or “bad”, when in fact, everything is just LIFE! Everything, all of it, it’s all just LIFE.”

“We come into this world and we are taught that life is a process of attainments. Or the collection of attainments. But I have since discovered that life is a process of rising above in the moments. The river wants to flow downhill or the wave wants to take you under; but you instead sit on a rock or surf the top of that wave. We essentially all have to be mermaids, every day, to live this life. There is a constant flow of water current: going up and going down. You go up to be happy.”

“We choose the countenance that we wear each day.”

“هناك أُمور لا تستطيع تغييرها في حياتِك ، و هُناك أمور ستغيّرك رغمًا عَنك ، و ما بين بين، ستظَل تُقاوِم و تدّعي المَعرِفة.”