“هناك أُمور لا تستطيع تغييرها في حياتِك ، و هُناك أمور ستغيّرك رغمًا عَنك ، و ما بين بين، ستظَل تُقاوِم و تدّعي المَعرِفة.”

“It would be enough; as an alibi for a life, it would do; she would not need to apologize for how she had spent her time on this earth.”

“Good ideas can also be bad choices.”

“Forgive those who wronged you, but don’t forget the lessons they taught you.”

“I was talking to a friend last night, about pain. She said, “Pain doesn’t go away, does it? It just lessens with time.” And I said, “I think that the pain can be turned into other things… the pain is like the holes in the ground, but I think that we can turn the holes in the ground into little pools of water we can jump into. It’s still a part of us, but, we can change its nature. Hopefully. Sometimes.” And I think that just might be true.”

“Don’t make the mistake of ruining your future, so that you can save your past. You’ve got this one, precious life. So what are you gonna do with it?”

“Inability to deal with a different ideology than one’s own is the biggest disability a human can posses.”

“I thoughtAfter the darkness of nightThere will be brightness of sunBut sun cameWith a promise of nightMay be that’s life!”

“Losing someone who’s been there all the time is like losing your toe. You didn’t know how much you need it until it’s gone.”

“I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid not to live.”

“And what went wrong when other alchemists tried to make gold and were unable to do so?””They were looking only for gold his companion answered. They were seeking the treasure of their personal legend, without wanting actually to live out the personal legend.”

“Fictional characters also evolve, the way human being do in real life.”

“Alone with my wine and my misery, I was convinced that life was composed of a string of “if only’s” leading from one self-inflicted bungle to the next until at some point, one’s final iteration of the excuse became one’s final utterance, and one expired.”