All Quotes By Tag: Life-philosophy
“Feed two birds with one crumb.”
“We need to die hundreds of times to know the meaning of one life.”
“Life would be much comfortable if we get what we wish.”
“You cannot judge anyone’s decision for the sake of your happiness.”
“He was footprints in the snow.Not all loves are meant to last.Some are meant to grace you briefly,before fading,somehow leaving the impressionthat the world is just a little bit betterbecause you had been touched bysomething so beautiful it was impossibleto grasp.”
“The biggest regret is regret itself.”
“Clean the lenses of your heart – world is beautiful.”
“First thing in the morning when you wake up, if you internally declare and believe that today is a good day, your experiences will comply.”
“Your own shortcomings are the best ground to grow your sense of humor.”
“Life is like a library: you can borrow whichever experiences you deem pleasant, and easily return those that bring you pain.”
“Your life has only one authority and that’s you.”
“My life is a daily celebration. I choose who to invite to my party, and who doesn’t get an invitation. And I’d be damned if I spent my time standing at the door, looking out and wondering where some people are, while my home is filled with people who are there to celebrate with me. Every day, I am going to party with the people whom I invited, the people who matter.”
“Some of the greatest tragedies of life are unrecognized oppurtunities”
“Life goes on, and people too. You don’t need to serve them to make people love you. We don’t need people in our life, we just use them. How many people in your past life, used you, used your mind, your energy, your time. Did you ever ask yourself about that?! They use us and we use them. Few are those who can’t use you, but usually, it’s very few. My message to the world, to every human being, to every child, woman, girl and a boy, to every religious man, to the atheists and all who are living in this earth: You are better when you focus on yourself, you are beautiful when you make yourself better, you are genius when you start to make the change on yourself, you are strong when you decide to fight alone. You are a human being when you stop thinking as an animal. You are and you’ll still as you are and if you didn’t change what you really are, don’t complain to nature or even to the universe Because the problem is you, you have all the solutions within you.”
“There is only One holy Knowledge, the excellent knowledge of God.”