All Quotes By Tag: Matshona-dhliwayo-quotes
“You don’t need to learn how to climb a tree if you can fly.”
“If you cannot appreciate the sky, you cannot appreciate the stars.If you cannot appreciate the stars, you cannot appreciate the universe.If you cannot appreciate the universe, you cannot appreciate nature.If you cannot appreciate nature, you cannot appreciate people.If you cannot appreciate people, you cannot appreciate God.”
“The Happiness ManifestoPledge not to complain needlessly.Vow not to anger unecessarily.Promise not to crititize unreasonably.Commit to thinking positively.Aspire to speak intelligently.Strive to live enlightenedly.Your happiness is in serenity.Your contentedness is in charity.Your righteousness is in integrity.Your nobility is in humility.Your innocence is in sincerity.Your blessedness is in humanity.”
“A bird doesn’t need a parachute when jumping off a cliff.”
“The gifts that reward you the most are those that serve others the most.”
“A star only begins to realize its true destiny when you throw it in the dark.”
“A star is beautiful not because it shines for itself, but for the world.”
“A seed has no feet but can even reach the sky.”
“Seeds do not answer you when you bury them; they rise.”
“Light conquers darkness with its eyes closed, but darkness cannot even face light with both its eyes open.”
“The world’s most beautiful color is love.”
“Light helps even those who hate it; darkness harms even those who love it.”
“You can only shine for a day under someone else’s star, but you can shine for a lifetime under your own.”
“Anyone can sail the ocean when it is calm.”
“The distance between faith and doubt is your miracle.”