“The idea that only a few are meant for success or greatness is nothing but a myth”

“I’ve obviously spent a lot of time thinking about myth and religion. I’ve also spent time with things like The Skeptical Inquirer magazine, and Carl Sagan’s book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark; but while I was reading them, I was thinking, “Yes, yes, yes; but don’t you need to maintain a core of solid, rock-hard belief to be an atheist in this world?” [Laughter.] I think what I really like is the idea of belief itself.”

“Humans are a story telling species. Throughout history we have told stories to each other and ourselves as one of the ways to understand the world around us. Every culture has its creation myth for how the universe came to be, but the stories do not stop at the big picture view; other stories discuss every aspect of the world around us. We humans are chatterboxes and we just can’t resist telling a story about just about everything.However compelling and entertaining these stories may be, they fall short of being explanations because in the end all they are is stories. For every story you can tell a different variation, or a different ending, without giving reason to choose between them. If you are skeptical or try to test the veracity of these stories you’ll typically find most such stories wanting. One approach to this is forbid skeptical inquiry, branding it as heresy. This meme is so compelling that it was independently developed by cultures around the globes; it is the origin of religion—a set of stories about the world that must be accepted on faith, and never questioned.”

“He’s Darkness. Unpleasant. I wouldn’t trust him. Nor do I trust every mortal I meet. I don’t know where evil comes from, and frankly it doesn’t matter. Not right now. Histories and myths are renamed and reinvented eternally across the world. I can’t speak to that. What I do know? This is your story.”

“It was not enough that food aplenty was within Man’s grasp: he wanted more.It was not enough that prey surrendered themselves to Man according to the natural order: Man wanted to cook his prey. Man had discovered fire when lightning stuck and set a tree or two alight, but he was clumsy and greedy and stupid and could not keep the flame alive”

“I earn the magic of words by writing.I learn the myth of worlds by imagining.”

“Nothing is more difficult than competing with myth”

“People easily understand that ‘primitives’ cement their social order by believing in ghosts and spirits, and gathering each full moon to dance together around the campfire. What we fail to appreciate is that our modern institutions function on exactly the same basis. Take for example the world of business corporations, Modern business-people and lawyers are, in fact, powerful sorcerers. The principal difference between them and tribal shamans is that modern lawyers tell far stranger tales.”

“All that we call sacred history attests that the birth of a poet is the principal event in chronology.”

“Once a poet calls his myth a myth, he prevents the reader from treating it as a reality; we use the word ‘myth’ only for stories we ourselves cannot believe.”

“Camels can go many weeks without drinking anything at all. The notion that they cache water in their humps is pure myth—their humps are made of fat, and water is stored in their body tissues. While other mammals draw water from bloodstreams when faced with dehydration, leading to death by volume shock, camels tap the water in their tissues, keeping their blood volume stable. Though this reduces the camel’s bulk, they can lose up to a third of their body weight with no ill effects, which they can replace astonishingly quickly, as they are able to drink up to forty gallons in a single watering.” (pp.69-70)”

“I began composing the next poem, the one that was to be written next. Not the last poem of those I had read, but the poem written in the head of someone who may never have existed but who had certainly written another poem nonetheless, and just never had the chance to commit it to ink and the page.”

“Look, I’d sat through just as many Hollywood movies as the next person. I’d seen Sleepless in Seattle, Titanic, Twilight, whatever. I knew the myth. But i didn’t believe it. I knew it was made up, I knew none of it was even close to reality.”

“I just wish this social institution [religion] wasn’t based on what appears to me to be a monumental hoax built on an accumulation of customs and myths directed toward proving something that isn’t true.”

“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One… I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.”