All Quotes By Tag: Philosophy
“What never fails inside the mind of an intellectual never works outside the confines of his head. The world’s stubborn refusal to vindicate the intellectual’s theories serves as proof of humanity’s irrationality, not his own. Thus, the true believer retrenches rather than rethinks; he launches a war on the world, denying reality because it fails to conform to his theories. If intellectuals are not prepared to reconcile theory and practice, then why do they bother to venture outside the ivory tower or the coffeehouse? Why not stay in the world of abstractions and fantasy?”
“One must try to make one’s life as pleasant as possible. I’m alive and it’s not my fault, which means I must somehow go on living the best I can, without bothering anybody, until I die.”But what makes you live? With such thoughts, you’ll sit without moving, without undertaking anything…”Life won’t leave one alone as it is.”
“Man is the measure of all things’, said the Sophist Protagora (c. 485-410 B.C.). By that he meant that the question of whether a thing is right or wrong, good or bad, must always be considered in relation to a person’s needs.”
“When we sense something, it is due to the movement of atoms in space. When I see the moon it is because “moon atoms” penetrate my eye.”
“I pretend not to be a champion of that same naked virtue called truth, to the very outrance. I can consent that her charms be hidden with a veil, were it but for decency’s sake.”
“One of chief pieces of advice I give to aspiring rationalists is “Don’t try to be clever.” And, “Listen to those quiet, nagging doubts.” If you don’t know, you don’t know what you don’t know, you don’t know how much you don’t know, and you don’t know how much you needed to know.”
“In numele si sub teroarea ei (plictiselii, n.m.) parasesc oamenii caminul si moartea agreabila legata de el si se avanta in lume, spre a muri undeva fara acoperis si fara lacrimi; adolescentii se gandesc la sinucideri in zile infinite de primavara, iar servitoarele fara amanti se lamenteaza duminicile, de parca inima lor e un cimitir in care mortii nu pot dormi.”
“Mereka yang memimpin selalu lupa ketika dipimpin, seperti kupu-kupu dengan kepompong, lupa bahkan pada ulat sebagai asalnya.”
“Ik kwam er achter dat ik er mijn hele leven heus niet naar had verlang om te leven – als wat anderen doen tenminste leven genoemd kan worden – maar wel om mezelf te kunnen uitdrukken.”
“It’s a sad day for American Capitalism when a man can’t fly a midget on a kite over central park.”
“Dove la moralità è troppo forte l’intelletto perisce.”
“Qualsiasi uomo notevole, chiunque cioè non appartenga a quei 5/6 dell’umanità dotati tanto miseramente dalla natura, rimarrà dopo i quarant’anni difficilmente esente da una certa traccia di misantropia.”
“We belittle what we cannot bear. We make figments out of fundamentals, all in the name of preserving our own peculiar fancies. The best way to secure one’s own deception is to accuse others of deceit.”
“Human social life, I suggest, is the magma that erupts and builds up, so to speak, at the fault lines where natural human capacities meet and grind against and over natural human limitations…. This meeting of powers and limitations produces a creative, dynamic tension and energy that generates and fuels the making of human social life and social structures…. It is real human persons living through the tensions of natural existential contradictions who construct patterned social meanings, interactions, institutions, and structures.”
“It is strange the way trauma deadens curiosity. To suffer cruelty in excess is to be delivered from care. The human heart sets aside its questions when the future is too capricious. This is the irony of tribulation.To know the world will never be so bad.”