“For all students, a network of career exploration opportunities, sponsors, and mentors is a critical accompaniment to coursework.”

“Are schools rewarding the right people as the highest achievers? If the goal is hard-working, productive, adaptable adults, then U.S. high schools are recognizing precisely the correct group.”

“Academically capable men and women almost never follow a single-minded interest from childhood into careers.”

“Just as the stereotypes of the one-sided academic grind or the obsessed genius are myths for high school valedictorians, also false is the conception of academic achievers as troubled individuals effective only in school.”

“As a group, valedictorians have always led well-rounded, socially integrated, ‘normal’ lives.”

“Female valedictorians marry a little later and participate somewhat more heavily in paid work than women in their age group nationally.”

“In their early thirties, the most career-invested women and men in the Illinois Valedictorian Project are those who have found deep personal meaning in vocations. Those qualities and conditions that keep students centered on work are different than those that made them high school valedictorian.”

“To reach the head of the class, students needed to conform to the school system and work equally hard at all subjects.”

“Time’s up for modern society.”

“You are your mind, so if you can see it, you can achieve it.”

“President Trump’s people are merely demonstrating to the world what has been known to fraud researchers for a very long time: Engaging in lies and fraud is a normal aspect of corporate government.”

“The more I attempted to escape through self-consultation, self-help therapies, psychology, psychiatry, and self-analysis, the more frustrated I became.”

“Black and white, good and evil, is just a way to simplify life and make it easier for people to deal with. People love it too; that’s why so many people go to church on a Sunday.”

“I can imagine that the oceanic feeling could become connected with religion later on. That feeling of oneness with the universe which is its ideational content sounds very like a first attempt at the consolations of religion, like another way taken by the ego of denying the dangers it sees threatening it in the external world.”

“It is fear that makes you believe that you are living and that you will be dead.What we do not want is the fear to come to an end. That is why we have invented all these new minds, new sciences,new talks, therapies, choiceless awareness and various other gimmicks.”