“If you don’t monitor your life, you will regret it. If you don’t measure your life you will regret it. If you don’t convert your time into products you will regret it. If you don’t multiply your life you will soon find out that your life is almost finished with nothing to show for it.”

“If you don’t want to regret your life later, then begin to invest your time, begin to measure your life. Measure your life by the products and by the results you produce!”

“Every man has been called to produce a certain number of products within the time allocated to him to live on earth and failure to hit the target would mean a wasted life.”

“The world awaits your products. Humanity lives in eager expectation of your products. Begin to convert your time into products. Begin to gain the mastery over your talents and gifting.”

“Begin to invest quality time. Start the conversion process and birth your products.”

“The greatest wealth in the world is the wealth of time.”

“Life is only worth living if it is used to produce products for the good of humanity.”

“Most of the great men who converted their time to products although late are still making more impact in the world today than a greater percentage of people who are still alive.”

“You must understand that all great things come through time conversion.”

“Start the conversion process and birth your products.”

“Convert every minute and hour of your life into perfecting your calling.”

“Do not deprive the world the gift of your products.”

“You too can become great but only thanks to the number of hours you are able to convert into products.”

“Run well and win in this race of life by converting your time into added values and products.”