“A foolish man question: “what is love?” A madman answer: “Love is an omnipresent attribute of human life. Our appetite will always be unfulfilled for love. It is better for us because without it, earth will not rotate, seasons will not change, birds will not sing and life will not exit.” What do you think?”

“You are correct in saying that desires often come from things we cannot easily gain – mine, being that of your love. By all accounts, I do wish I could steal it. But I am not that sort of man. I will wait. Forever and a day…I will wait.”

“If it comes to that,” retorted Frederica, with spirit, ” I am continually shocked by the things you don’t scruple to say to me,cousin! You are quite abominable!”He sighed. “Alas, I know it! The reflection gives me sleepless nights.”

“He loved her all he could; but he couldn’t love her very much.”

“It worried him. Like him, she had to be exhausted. She smelled like gasoline; her clothes were torn. She had a small white bandage on her forehead where the EMT had cleaned her cut. Dirt smudged her face, her arms, her legs. He knew she still didn’t have any underwear, and for the first time, he felt bad about it. Real bad. He wanted to protect her, make her feel secure, keep her from harm—and all he’d done was lose her underwear and practically get her blown up.”

“You love me.”He kept gazing upward, his answer coming softly. “Yeah. I do.”

“Go to bed,” he ordered. “Go to bed… and stay there.”

“Jake became excruciatingly aware of her, there, right behind him. The small grunts and groans as she placed each foot carefully on the slick ground reverberated in his gut. He wanted to turn around and tell her to shut the hell up.She sounded as though she was having sex.Good sex.”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” Dan broke the silence, his voice low. “We would both get in trouble.” He stood up. “Let’s go back.””We shouldn’t be doing what?” I scrambled to my feet. “What exactly are we doing?””This.””You mean consorting?””Sure, consorting. Cavorting. Carousing.” He paused to take a deep breath.”Kissing.” Then he leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine.”

“When I am out there, in time, I am inverted, changed into a desperate version of myself. I become a thief, a vagrant, an animal who runs and hides. I startle old women and amaze children. I am a trick, an illusion of the highest order, so incredible that I am actually true.”

“New but…good,” Evan said, shaking his head. “A good thing.” Helena caught the look that passed between the two men and it was beautiful…the only word she could think of was beautiful. It was love and lust and such a tender expression of care she wondered if they had any clue how lovely it was to see…”

“I paid you five thousand instead and promised the balance only if you made the match. As it turns out, this is your lucky day because I’ve decided to write you the full check, whether the match comes from you or from Portia. As long as I have a wife and you’ve been part of the process, you’ll get your money.” He toasted her with his beer mug. “Congratulations.”She put down her fork. “Why would you do that?””Because it’s efficient.””Not as efficient as having Powers handle her own introductions. You’re paying her a fortune to do exactly that.””I’d rather have you.”Her pulse kicked. “Why?”He gave her the melty smile he must have been practicing since the cradle, one that made her feel as though she was the only woman in the world. “Because you’re easier to bully. Do we have a deal or not?””You don’t want a matchmaker. You want a lackey.””Semantics. My hours are erratic, and my schedule changes without warning. It’ll be your job to cope with all that. You’ll soothe ruffled feathers when I need to cancel at the last minute. You’ll keep my dates company when I’m going to be late, entertain them if I have to take a call. If things are going well, you’ll disappear. If not, you’ll make the woman disappear. I told you before. I work hard at my job. I don’t want to have to work hard at this, too.””Basically, you expect me to find your bride, court her, and hand her over at the altar. Or do I have to come on the honeymoon, too?””Definitely not.” He gave her a lazy smile. “I can take care of that all by myself.”

“This isn’t your world. It’s your parents. Your world is still out there, waiting to be discovered. Always remember that.”

“The man irritated her just like a rash.”

“Don’t tell me your name. It’s likely to awaken my conscience, and that’s the last thing we want.”